Ashlee Brown

Ashlee Brown

Full Circle for Change: Service-Learning and Civic Leadership

Full Circle for Change: Service-Learning and Civic Leadership

by Ashlee Brown When I first heard that I was invited to the 2nd Annual Civic Leadership Conference on November 15th, I was confused. What did I, a sophomore Biochemistry major, have to do with Civic Leadership? After I found out that the event was related to Indiana’s service learning program, Indiana Campus Compact, it became a little bit clearer. Despite this, I still did not see what I could contribute to this conference. When we arrived it became crystal clear. The connection between service learning and civic leadership was a circle. While listening to the first panel, which consisted of DePauw University graduates, a DePauw student, an Indiana State Senator, and an Indiana State Representative, I understood the relation. … Continued
…NaNoWriMo? Start your “Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!”

…NaNoWriMo? Start your “Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!”

As you may know, November is right around the corner. Yep, you know what that means, National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. For those of you who didn’t know November was National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo is a month dedicated to encouraging novel writing, and creative writing in general, that was started by the non-profit organization, Office of Letters and Light. Starting November 1st, it is encouraged that you start writing your own novel, and finish it by the end of November and then enter your new novel into NaNoWriMo. After that, through NaNoWriMo, you are eligible for awards and scholarships for the best writings of the month! So what would be better to get you in the novel writing … Continued
A Guide to Learning to Like Classic Literature

A Guide to Learning to Like Classic Literature

          Often when we hear the words “classic literature” we think of stories from a past, relatively uneventful, time period. Or we just collectively yawn in response to the thought of literature and zone out. Either way, classic literature sometimes appears uninteresting due to the time period, or just wholly unappealing due to the language used. Therefore, here is a guide to learning to like the classics.             The first thing that you should know on your journey to liking classic literature is that even though you may, at first, see these classics as just old books that used to be important or interesting, these books can still be found deeply interesting and fun to read. But if at this … Continued