Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month – an opportunity to pay tribute to the traditions and ancestry of the tribes and people groups who originally occupied this continent.  It is an opportunity to learn and to foster dialogue. Library resources are among the most vetted and authoritative available. One of the best databases is American Indian History Online, which features primary sources, maps, documentary videos, and other media.  It is searchable by region, tribe, person, event, or topic.  Of special note are sections on influential court cases and legislative history.  Another database is Early Encounters in North America, which covers material from the 1500s to the 1800s that document the relationships among the inhabitants of what are now the United … Continued
Ask Us! IUEREF for Academic Success

Ask Us! IUEREF for Academic Success

While we continue to be open physically, you can stay safely distanced and comfortable and meet your research needs from whenever you are! Your Campus Library at IU East is available 24/7 with access to reliable research resources online. You can count on your library team to assist you with research strategies to help you achieve academic success. Any question, any time, Ask Us! Let’s take a tour of the library website, to highlight what to find where. Need e-books? This search box uses the IU Library catalog, IUCAT. You can limit your search to e-books available at IU East, since not all IU campuses have licenses for the same e-books. We have a guide to e-book access, including creating … Continued
Media Literacy Week and News Sources

Media Literacy Week and News Sources

Media literacy is a vital skill, allowing people to analyze and understand how messages, particularly those designed to persuade (whether presented anywhere from television news programs to Facebook advertisements), are crafted and how they exert their influence.  A person who is able to recognize and mitigate the hidden influence of others is freer and more able to form reasoned opinions.  Media literacy also helps you responsibly frame your own messages, communicating in the clearest way possible and provoking thought without undue manipulation. Media Literacy Week is October 26-30, and is hosted by the National Association for Media Literacy Education.  Each day will focus on an aspect of media literacy: Access on Monday, Analyze on Tuesday, followed by Evaluate, Create, and … Continued
Legal Research with Nexis Uni

Legal Research with Nexis Uni

With major cases coming in front of the Supreme Court, laws – and possible judicial changes to them – are often in the news.  How laws change or are reapplied in the court system is a significant point of scholarly interest, and an exceptional database for exploring the law is Nexis Uni (formerly called Lexis Nexis Academic). Nexis Uni contains a lot of different types of material – news articles, law reviews, even corporate information – but its main strength lies in legal studies.  It is not as valuable for ‘code’ law (statutes passed by a legislature, which are typically straightforward, albeit very lengthy and archaically worded – amounting to lists of ‘don’t do this, or you will be fined … Continued
Learning About Daily Life

Learning About Daily Life

Cultures, customs, and routines have been as diverse in the past as they are today.  But for a long-past civilization, there is no longer a means of direct intercultural communication to learn about it.  Still, knowledge of the inner workings of a society and culture are vital to many types of researchers.  Greenwood Press’s database Daily Life Through History offers a unique exploration of these questions, shedding insight on what life was like in any given era or part of the globe; not just for the elites, but also for those of more modest estate – what was it like obtaining necessities, like bread; or to what degree people were free to move about and make life choices such as … Continued