Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

Voting Ahead

Voting Ahead

Election Day is November 5th in the United States, and Americans have the opportunity to decide who serves in their government, at the federal, state, and local level.  In preparing to exercise this power – and responsibility – there are many useful tools that registered voters can avail themselves of to inform their vote. An all-purpose voting website is available from the state government of Indiana, letting residents check their voting status if they don’t know it, register to vote (October 7th is the deadline), and find their polling place.  Information about election security measures is presented, and results can be checked (after the election).  Online, the website Vote 411 lets users view their ballots ahead of time, and see … Continued
Basic Research Tools

Basic Research Tools

Transitioning to college research requires better tools, and the library provides many resources that will help students submit better work than can be generated through free web search engines like Google or Bing.  The easiest place to start is with the EBSCO Discovery Service, a meta-search engine that searches most of IU East’s databases at once, which can be found on the library’s home page under the section that says “Search EBSCO (Articles)”.  This provides the single box searching experience that may be the most familiar to users of Google or other popular search engines.  This returns material from academic journals, trade journals, and newspapers.  It can be set to give only recently published material, or only vetted academic writings.  … Continued
It Takes More Than That to Kill the Bull Moose

It Takes More Than That to Kill the Bull Moose

In 1912, a former U.S. President, after being out of office for a term, became a Presidential candidate, and that candidate was shot by a would-be assassin at the outset of a campaign speech.  The former President was Theodore Roosevelt, nicknamed ‘the Bull Moose’, and he had been fighting a bitterly contested campaign.  He himself succeeded an assassinated President; when William McKinley was shot in 1901 Roosevelt had ascended to the Presidency, winning it again in his own right in 1904.  Retiring from public office, he was succeeded in 1908 by William Howard Taft, but over the years, Roosevelt had come to despise the man.  The feeling was mutual.  Roosevelt had come to Milwaukee on the evening of October 14th, … Continued
A Sense of Place and Time

A Sense of Place and Time

Today, in the summer, the halls of IU East are unnaturally quiet without students.  Physical Plant has just waxed the floors, and the whole place seems to glow.  The grounds outside are lush and green and verdant.  In six months’ time, though, the weather will be cold and the trees bereft of leaves.  The floors will be scuffed and stained with salt.  In 1972, the land was a construction zone; with Whitewater Hall just beginning to be erected.  It was again in 2015, as work began on the Student Events and Activities Center.  A few centuries’ ago, Miami Indian explorers ranged north from the Whitewater River, seeking game here, surrounded only by trees and grass.  Things change, and a place … Continued
Exploring the History of Comics

Exploring the History of Comics

Comics, whether in strip or book form, have long been a mainstay of childhood and young adult reading.  The unique style of storytelling through sequential art, usually mixed with text, can facilitate any genre or idea, with an unlimited ‘special effects budget’ that would be unwieldy in any other medium.  Over the decades, they have grown from being a purely child-oriented type of entertainment to one that also caters to adults, with more literary stories including ‘graphic novels’.  Two days relevant to comics are coming up – Free Comic Book Day is on Saturday May 4th, where people can get a variety of free comic books.  Locally, Comic Relief Comics, located at 411 N. 8th Street, Unit#104 in the Depot … Continued