Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

Your Library on Facebook

Your Library on Facebook

One thing we really want to do here at the Library is be where our people are – not just physically, but on a deeper level, as well.  That’s why we’ve added things like informal instruction and the library living room to our more traditional offerings.  But we wanted those broad and diverse types of connections in the digital world, too.  People learn all different ways, and sometimes the old ways just don’t keep pace with today’s young scholars. So we’re proud to announce the debut of the library’s new Facebook page!  Now you can have the convenience of interacting with the library, right beside your other Friends and Likes.  There are pictures and maps already up for patrons who … Continued
Ivy Tech Library, Too

Ivy Tech Library, Too

Since we share one campus, IU East and Ivy Tech prudently share a lot of services.  Police protection, snow removal – there are a lot of things that we do more efficiently together.  One thing we share is the Library. First of all, you have access to all of the library’s resources – you can pick up a username and password at the front desk.  We have tens of thousands of books and thousands of videos.  You have access to dozens of great databases through Campus Connect – in the library, you have literally hundreds more. So, that’s a lot of information to sort through!  Well, fear not, you’re not on your own.  Contact us for reference assistance anytime – … Continued
Library Living Room

Library Living Room

The library has a new type of study space!  Quirky and informal, our new Library Living Room, available in Hayes 253 on the second floor of the library, offers a new way to study and learn.  Primarily for teaching classes, the room features all the Smart Classroom amenities you’re already comfortable with, such as a projection screen and laptops for students to follow along.   But when not being used for classes, there are board games and comfortable furniture for students to relax and unwind, or study in a colorful and inviting setting.  The décor and amenities in this room were made possible with a generous donation from Peggy Hollingsworth, retired librarian from Connersville High School and an IU alumna. … Continued
Look What a Dollar will Get You!

Look What a Dollar will Get You!

The Library has a new booksale cart, stylized like a medieval book vendor!  Situated right outside the library in Hayes Hall, we are selling a lot of great surplus books that just don’t quite fit our academic mission. If you’ve ever been in the library on the week of a book sale, you know what a pain it could be getting around, with tables full of books in the way of everything.  But now, we have the excitement of the old book sale in a much less obtrusive format! Just a few of the great titles on the cart right now are Dorothy on the Rocks, The Cootie Catcher Book, Complete Guide to Gardening, A Book of Word Games, and … Continued
Casting Call

Casting Call

Would you like to star in a video?  The library is producing a music video to promote LibGuides.  Libguides are a resource tool for specific subjects and courses. They include links to just about everything you need to do reliable research – books, e-books, articles, videos, websites.  You can see samples at So we need actors (and singers!) for the video, which will be viewed on IU East’s YouTube channel.  Most of the parts are entirely physical acting – there’s very little dialogue, if you’re nervous about delivering lines.  Most of the actors will ‘act out’ using the LibGuides. And you’ll be famous!  Our previous library video was viewed more than 1400 times:  You’ll be fully credited for … Continued