Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

A Collegial Meeting

A Collegial Meeting

This week I had the opportunity to attend the Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI) annual conference in Indianapolis to present at the poster session.  There were many interesting exhibits there, on a number of hot topics in the library world. Ball State showcased a presentation on their evolving web interface.  Purdue University featured the results of embedding liaison librarians in their departments for regular office hours each week.  Notre Dame charted usage statistics from their experiments with mobile reference using an iPhone.  I gave a presentation on IU East’s action figure tour, online at YouTube: There were more besides.  It struck me, as I interacted with attendees, how important collegiality and sharing are for librarians.  We can read articles … Continued
Dam Rumors

Dam Rumors

So, I was on vacation last week, and one of the things I saw on my trip was the Hoover Dam.  I was awed by the scale of the thing, and how much went into planning and creating it – and how much of Nevada, Arizona, and California can exist at all because of the clean water and hydroelectric power generated there.  When you’re looking straight down over a sheer wall of more than 700 feet of concrete, humility comes more easily.  Now, I’m not an architect or engineer (several of the friends I was traveling with are), so I’m sure I didn’t appreciate it thoroughly, but it was amazing to think of this massive project being done with the … Continued
Post-Mortem on a Murder

Post-Mortem on a Murder

For those who couldn’t join us, the Friends of the Library Murder Mystery unfolded on Saturday, entangling all in a web of deceit and murder.  Set in 1923, the library’s supporters had gathered to celebrate the acquisition of a priceless manuscript.  But on the eve of his greatest professional triumph, archivist Archie Vist fell prey to poison before a startled audience, and soon everyone was embroiled in the attempt to discover which of his coworkers was the killer.  And it seemed like everyone had a motive! Accusations flew.  Was it Noelle ‘Noe’ Itall, who desperately wanted the archivist job?  Ray Ferénce, a librarian who had lost a wager with Archie?  Louisa Books, a beautiful librarian Archie had humiliated?  Some guests … Continued
A Murder Mystery in the Library!

A Murder Mystery in the Library!

Sherlock Poems here, detective extraordinaire.  Perhaps you’ve heard of me? Regardless, you’ve no doubt heard that the IU East Friends of the Library, Drama Club, and Humanities Club are hosting a murder mystery luncheon on Saturday, April 17th.  A murder has been committed in the library, and only my refined intellect is up to the challenge!  Or maybe not.  As a detective, I like to hedge my bets, and a room full of enterprising sleuths seems like just the thing to shed light on this shadowy crime! So join us at noon on the 17th, and be treated to a three-course meal and a twisting, turning plot of skullduggery and murder that even a storied detective like me might need … Continued
Real Scholarship

Real Scholarship

This is Matt here again. So, I recently had a research question I’d like to share with you.  One of our excellent faculty had found a story in a blog online.  Apparently Sarnia, a town in Canada, is experiencing an abnormal shift in birth rates – today, there are two girls born for every boy.  It started changing in 1993, and there is no evidence that it’s going to stop.  It’s a part of Canada rife with industrial pollution, and the shift is blamed on contaminants. So that alone is interesting.  But the part that impressed me was not so much the question as the questioner.  Our faculty are thoughtful people, and don’t accept as true everything they read on … Continued