Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

NO, I am not getting paid to play with Barbies!

NO, I am not getting paid to play with Barbies!

Hey, Matt here again, reference and media coordinator for the library. So, some of our regular patrons have been seeing my office strewn with Barbie dolls. And no doubt you’ve thought that me dressing and posing toys is a phenomenal use of your tuition money. But it’s all been for a purpose! I promise! We would like to proudly present the Library video tour, now posted on IU East’s YouTube channel at All those Barbie action figures were being prepared for this. Now you can tour the library from the comfort of your own home, meeting the library staff and seeing the facility, through our action figure avatars. Action figures are a good medium for this. We firmly believe … Continued
What if your book read itself to you?

What if your book read itself to you?

Hi, this is Matt Dilworth. I do reference here in the library. I’d like to write about a tool the library just upgraded – Ebrary, a database for electronic books. Do you use a Kindle, or Google Books? This is kind of similar. You can get into Ebrary from the library’s main page – click on eBooks from the left-hand menu, then choose Ebrary. When you search for a book, you get a list in order of how relevant Ebrary thinks they are to what you typed. But in this new version, in the table of contents, chapters are now ranked according to relevance as well as whole books. You can even look at the results screen by chapter rather … Continued