Matt Dilworth

Matt Dilworth

Black History at Home

Black History at Home

When we contemplate Black History Month, the names of historic giants come to mind – inventors and businesspeople, ministers and activists, musicians and politicians – the kind of people who redirect the flow of history and inspire millions.  The people that have the most influence, though, are often the nearest – local people who tirelessly build up their communities, mentor others, and give younger people their first role models. This local community has been fortunate to have many nearby heroes who have improved and shaped the city and county to the betterment of all.  And this has been true from the very beginning.  For example, Rev. James M. Townsend, born in 1841, became an ordained minister by the age of … Continued
Resources for the Skies

Resources for the Skies

On Christmas Day in 1758, Halley’s Comet appeared in the sky, sighted by Johann Palizsch.  This time, though, its appearance had been predicted in advance by the man it would come to be named after, Edmond Halley, who realized the comet was subject to Newtonian laws of motion and successfully connected it to historical sightings of particularly impressive comets at roughly seventy-five year intervals. Predicting other celestial phenomenon was well known – eclipses had been predictable for centuries.  Christopher Columbus, for example, had used the technique to intimidate the peoples of Jamaica into cooperation on his fourth trip to the Americas, in 1504; suggesting to them that he had much more power than he actually did.  But many cultures had … Continued
Archeology and Intercultural Dialogue

Archeology and Intercultural Dialogue

In recent blogs, library tools related to archeology and sustainability have been explored, in support of a documentary film and a presentation by assistant professor of anthropology Dr. Aaron Comstock, given on November 10.  The video, Common Ground: The Story of Bears Ears documents the many competing concerns over the Bears Ears monument in Utah, including the preservation of  art and historical artifacts (materials of outsized importance in understanding pre-literate native cultures), conservation, the development of energy and rare resources, and providing space to live.  The need for input from all shareholders, particularly from Native Americans, is a primary and ongoing concern. In his work, Aaron Comstock has sought to foster dialogue with and inclusion of Native American stakeholders in … Continued
Cheers for Archeology

Cheers for Archeology

Archeology Month highlights the importance of studying human activity and culture through time.  The fields of archeology, ethnology, anthropology, and folklore can offer insight to modern problems and context to societal behavior patterns.  The state of Indiana’s focus for Archeology Month this year was on the production and use of alcohol in Indiana. The Campus Library has many resources available about a variety of archeological topics. One major source is the Wiley Online Library, which offers dozens of journals and other sources on anthropological topics. Another resource is JSTOR, which has a slightly smaller selection of journals but a much deeper historical perspective.  Thousands of hours of streaming video are available through Ethnographic Video Online including ethnographic films (both traditional … Continued
Higher Testing

Higher Testing

Testing is a vital part of the educational process; verifying the mastery of skills needed to proceed.  Undergraduates have typically taken many tests on the way to becoming or earning advance credit as a student, including the SAT, ACT, or CLEP tests.  For those students who move beyond a Bachelor’s degree, there are other, more advanced tests required. Those interested in specialized graduate study are generally acutely aware of the requirements and expectations of their desired field, and tailor their undergraduate experience to prepare them for it – often referred to colloquially by phrases such as being on a ‘pre-law’ or ‘pre-med’ or ‘pre-business’ track, although what that entails can be quite informal.  For example, someone aspiring to be a … Continued