

Library Work – Notes from the Inside

Library Work – Notes from the Inside

Hello, I’m Hamid, a work study student at the library. There are a few misconceptions about library workers, and I’d like to tell you about what I do. Most of the time when I say that I work at a library, there is an assumption that I shush students and get to read all day.  This is not the case. There is always something that needs to be done in a library; the top priority is to keep the books on the shelves. There are lots of books checked out, left lying out, or even mailed by patrons every day, and those books eventually make it back to us. If you look around the library, there’s much more than books; … Continued
Jargon Junction

Jargon Junction

This is Matt again. So, in case you hadn’t noticed, the library’s just launched a new web site.  And one big thing that’s changed was something that surprised me. A lot of the words I use all the time and think are obvious are instead off-putting jargon to people.  So while the old website was filled with ambiguous words like ‘databases’ and ‘reference’ and the like, words that could mean different things in different contexts, people wanted words that describe what they’re actually there to do.  Words like research. So our Aaron Hill and our other talented friends in marketing did a lot of reading and usability testing and put together a website that does just that.  Things are called … Continued
Would You Like to Take a Survey?

Would You Like to Take a Survey?

Hello, Matt here again. With IU East moving in so many new and exciting directions, we want to be sure that we keep up with what you actually need.  And because, despite all my effort to the contrary, I am not yet a mind reader, we need your feedback! So, we’ve got a user survey online.  It only takes about ten minutes to fill out.  The survey can be taken at – just log in with your IU username and password.  Your answers will not be linked back to you. I can already hear some of you saying, “But what if I don’t like taking surveys?”  Don’t worry, this is the good kind of survey, because you get candy … Continued


Snowbound, what to do now?  Read an actual, physical book! Imagine there is a snowstorm and electricity is out…but you have one of those “snuggles” blankies so you’re not worried about the cold.  Also, you were prepared enough to have batteries in a big flashlight, so you’re all set to ….read a book! As library director, I am surrounded daily by books, and I teach a course at IU East focused on children’s books, and I really DO read books…but sometimes it takes a weather-enforced break to do the proverbial curling up with a good book (and in my case, also with a good cat).  Norah the cat actually appreciated this book because it featured a very clever cat like … Continued
A Different Kind of Mobile Book

A Different Kind of Mobile Book

By Juli Stout, Coordinator of Circulation and Marketing  I grew up on a farm across the field from the Wilbur Wright Memorial Birthplace during the 1950s and 1960s.  Children’s books in rural Henry County didn’t look much like today’s do.  I remember books with very little color – the drawings were in black and white.  And the books that I borrowed from the county bookmobile always had a funny “bookish” smell that I couldn’t quite identify. The bookmobile came to our house every two weeks and if the neighbors wanted any books, they parked in our lower lot.  (I thought that the bookmobile came just for us, but I do remember members of the Wilmont family crowding in before I … Continued