

Election Preparation

Election Preparation

Election Day is November 8th in the United States, when a free people have the power to decide who serves in their government, at the federal, state, and local levels.  There are several useful tools that registered voters can use to prepare for their civic opportunity – some would say civic duty – to vote.  The Indiana State government offers a voting website that has tools to help citizens check their voting status if they don’t know it, register to vote (for later elections), and find their polling place.  Because this is the first election after the redistricting mandated by the results of the 2020 census, prospective voters should take care that they know where their polling location is (Indiana … Continued
A Research Journey

A Research Journey

No matter where you are in your research journey, the IU East Campus Library is here for you! Recently the library website was redesigned and you can find helpful tips on navigating the site here. Be sure to like the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for updates on library resources and services as well as special resource feature days like Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. Unsure which resources might best fit your research needs? How to Master Research provides tips and tools for effective searching in all disciplines. Below are resource highlights from multiple disciplines that are interesting and useful. Business Looking for information on international businesses? ABI/INFORM database provides access to thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key businesses, and … Continued
Constitution Day

Constitution Day

September 17 is Constitution Day, commemorating the day in 1787 that thirty-nine of the fifty-five delegates to the Federal Convention in a hot Philadelphia courthouse signed their great work.  Creating the Constitution for the United States, currently the oldest republic with power derived from the people, was an intricate work with very few historical precedents.  Not all of the delegates came in May of 1787 with the intention of building a new government (some hoped merely to reform the Articles of Confederation), but they came with remarkably little in the way of personal agendas or preconditions, remaining open to other arguments, in a manner almost inconceivable in today’s polarized environment.  They faced many divisions as severe as ours today, but … Continued
Get your research on!

Get your research on!

The IU East Campus Library welcomes the Class of 2026 and all returning students! Recently the library website was redesigned and you can find help tips on navigating the site here. Be sure to like the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for updates on library resources and services as well as special resource feature days like Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. Unsure which resources might best fit your research needs? How to Master Research provides tips and tricks for effective searching in all disciplines. Below are resource highlights from multiple disciplines that are sure to be helpful this semester. Business Search thousands of private equity and venture capital deals by hundreds of criteria such as locations, … Continued
Welcome to our new look!

Welcome to our new look!

A recent redesign gave the library website a new look, but the things you expect to find from the previous iteration are still there. On the left side is a short menu – Research Support includes basic information about who to contact, Borrowing from the IU East Library includes the library’s policies and procedures, and Faculty Resources includes everything unique to a professor’s needs – links for requesting classroom instruction or custom library guides, forms for putting course material on reserve, and forms for proposing a new course.  On the right is basic contact information, an Ask Us link to send in your questions, and a link to the library’s blog. The center of the screen is where most of … Continued