

Introducing….3 virtual interns!

Introducing….3 virtual interns!

For Fall 2013 IU East is fortunate to have not 1, not 2, but 3 (!) graduate library interns from the American Library Association accredited graduate library school at San Jose State University. We appreciate the opportunity to have these students contribute their ideas and talents to projects that will benefit the campus and community. Robin Kokemore Rangel is working on an “Art Around the World” project. She will research authentic art from several countries and contribute to a resource guide that includes art samples, information about the country and culture, and ideas for art projects that represent the culture and artistic style. Robin earned her BA in U.S. History at the University of California, Berkeley. She currently works as … Continued
Wine to Water

Wine to Water

This year, the IU East community is reading Wine to Water for the One Book, Many Voices program (we have several copies at the library available for checkout – ask at the front desk).  It is the story of Doc Hendley, a North Carolina bartender who decided to go to Darfur to help the people get access to clean water.  There, he repaired broken wells, had water trucked to refugee camps, distributed chlorine tablets for purifying contaminated water, and more, all while navigating the war and ethnic cleansing between the Janjaweed and the Sudanese Liberation Army in one of the most dangerous places in the world. Millions of people die each year because they don’t have access to clean water … Continued
ProQuest Mobile

ProQuest Mobile

We know how things are for college students – you’re busy.  Between classes, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities, it can be hard to find time to fit it all in.  And doing research can be vexing, if you have a sudden great idea about a topic or a search, but you’re nowhere near a computer.  So is there a solution for people on the go? Absolutely.  Our catalog already allows you to send call numbers to yourself with the ‘text a call number’ button, and that can be useful for picking up books you want for your paper.  But what about getting articles and newspapers?  Yes you can, with a new mobile framework for the database ProQuest. ProQuest is one … Continued


As you may have heard, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychological Association’s primary mental health handbook, has recently published a new edition.  It’s been a long time in coming – the DSM-IV came out in 1994 (it was revised in 2000).  This reference work is the primary tool for diagnosing and recommending treatment for mental disorders across the spectrum, and has been since the first edition came out in 1952.  It is the single most important reference book for anyone in a psychology profession. The classification system has been completely retooled, eliminating the infamous five axes of the previous edition – personality disorders are no longer separated as rigidly from other types of psychiatric disorders.  … Continued
Money makes the research go ’round

Money makes the research go ’round

July brings a new fiscal year and with it comes renewal requests for many of the databases and other online resources you may need for your academic research. We wanted to share with you the costs of some of these. The viability of these resources for our campus is calculated using a formula of “cost per use.”  The more times they are used, the lower the per-person cost.  So let’s get the most bang for our buck while also getting the benefit of using reliable resources for research!  If you have any questions about any library resources, you are welcome to “Ask us!” by contacting library director Frances Yates,