



When it comes to databases and journal article retrieval there’s really no such thing as TMI.  You never know what random bit of information you’ll find from some of our most unique databases in the A-Z list.  You may look at this list and think “I’ll never need that.” But challenge yourself to think beyond what you need, starting with a few of the databases mentioned below, FYI.   Soon you’ll be singing a different tune about your daily life like, “Yoho, Yoho a Viking’s life for me.” The Daily Life Thru History database gives you organized and accessible info about eras from as far back as 10,000 BCE Greece to modern day America. Know your ancestry? Find out more … Continued


If you tried to use the Internet on Wednesday, you may have noticed that a lot of your favorite sites, like Wikipedia, were down.  Even Google changed its logo with a big black ‘censored’ bar.  All of those outages were in protest of legislation before the U.S. Congress, which could change the laws on how the government deals with stolen content on websites, known as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act, HR 3261) in the House of Representatives and PIPA (Protect IP Act, S 968) in the Senate.  Opponents claim that this proposed legislation is too intrusive, that it will eliminate a lot of good content and chill new attempts at innovation and online speech.  They say that the burden of … Continued
MLK Day: Serve and Reflect

MLK Day: Serve and Reflect

To most of us students, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is just a perfectly timed holiday. Not too long after the end of winter break, it gives us time to rest from the hectic first weeks of the semester. But MLK Day means much more than a day off: it is the only federal holiday observed as a national day of service. The day gives all citizens the opportunity to build community, empower themselves, and help their peers, neighbors, youth, and underprivileged. While you can volunteer year-round, consider volunteering specifically on MLK Day with a large group and celebrate Dr. King’s belief in a “beloved community.”  If you’re struggling to find the perfect service project, try out one from our … Continued
Your New Year’s Resolutions: How the Library Can Help

Your New Year’s Resolutions: How the Library Can Help

The ball has dropped, kisses exchanged, and confetti thrown: 2012 is finally here. I’m always curious to see how people want to improve their lives in the new year. At the top of my list is becoming better at soccer. While the library sadly can’t transform me into an athlete, here are several ways that we can help you achieve your resolutions.  1. Find a job or internship.  From Craigslist to LinkedIn, it seems like there are a billion job sites out there. Where do you even begin? Well, check out our LibGuide first! We’ve compiled resources on everything from scouring job listings to crafting the perfect resume. If you’re not sure what you can do with your major, don’t … Continued
Listen up!

Listen up!

Not quite ready to come back to school?  Crescendo into it by checking out some of our music resources; cue up a playlist while you’re unpacking, re-packing, or just relaxing.  Every two weeks Alexander Street Press and Smithsonian Folkways Recordings are offering free downloads of world music  and classical music from their otherwise subscription based databases.  Recent selections include “You’re the One for Me,” performed by David “Honeyboy” Edwards and Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Brandenburg Concerto No. 2.”  Need more music? Newsflash – Naxos isn’t just for Music Majors!  Naxos Music Library lists genres like Blues, Pop & Rock, Jazz, and the ever-classic, Classic.  Create playlists of crooners including Louis Armstrong, Johnny Cash, and Aretha Franklin, or a more contemporary list … Continued