



The winter season is a time of celebrating across many cultures.  As always, your campus library has plenty to read to learn about these celebrations.  Books like Chase’s Calendar of Events (REF D11.5.C48 2012) and e-books such as We Are What We Celebrate: Understanding Holidays and Rituals or Holidays On Display offer excellent information, as do reference sources like Britannica Online.  And databases with strong religion sections like JSTOR offer numerous excellent articles about these and other holidays.    Some of these celebration around the world you may like to discover include: Bodhi Day (Buddhist) celebrates the day that Buddha achieved enlightenment.  It is on December 8th. Boxing Day (secular) is a gift-giving holiday that is sometimes merged or replaced … Continued
Where has the time gone?

Where has the time gone?

Would you like to take a fresh approach to American history research?  Have you considered looking at primary sources?  Many primary resources can be found on your own computer through the IU East Campus Library!  We have many interesting databases that could be used for a broad range of topics.  Here are just a few: North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories This database can provide you with a personalized account of the life of immigrants in North America.  Browse the collection by year, country of origin, personal event such as education or religious experience, nationality, or author.  This database has it all – images, writings, and oral histories! Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment … Continued
Last Minute Research

Last Minute Research

This time of year, with everything we have to do, a lot seems to get pushed to the last minute.  Last minute shopping, last minute decorating, last minute cooking, last minute cleaning… and last minute research.  We’ve all been there.  A big assignment, and it’s coming due… but we haven’t had time to do the research yet. It isn’t an ideal situation.  And just like last minute shoppers have to deal with picked-over stores, your options will be a bit more limited.  But fear not – you can still do great research and turn in a great project. Obviously, if your assignment is due tomorrow, using Interlibrary Loan won’t help.  So you’re limited to resources available right now.  But there’s … Continued
If you can read it, we can eat it!

If you can read it, we can eat it!

“Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.” -Cornelia Funke You’ve likely heard such eating puns as “devour a good book” or “take a bite out of learning.” Well, the Library Club at IU East is making this a reality! Come join us for the 2011 Edible Book Festival on Thursday, December 1, 2011 in Hayes Hall. Now you may be wondering exactly what this edible book festival is. Ours is a version of a national event that was created in 2000 by Judith A. Hoffberg and Béatrice Coron who were known for “eating their words.” The Library Club Edible Book Fest gives you the freedom to choose whatever unique literature … Continued
The Library Show with Heidi Huff

The Library Show with Heidi Huff

Last year I had the opportunity to see the Late Show with David Letterman. He’s a Hoosier ya know (   We were instructed to clap when the APPLAUSE sign lit up, act like he was the funniest person we’d ever met, and be quiet at all other times, including: don’t leave your seat, don’t shout out, and don’t chew gum.  So you see, after doing my primary research I’m now qualified to present to you my own version of the Top Ten List (so this is what would be called a “secondary source,” right? Right!).   Feel free to clap, or boo, to leave your seat, shout out, or chew gum!  I can’t see you from here.