

Disappearing Statistics: Why it should matter to you and what you can do about it

Disappearing Statistics: Why it should matter to you and what you can do about it

Some of you who have come to the library needing statistics for your research may have seen me reach for a book called Statistical Abstract of the United States.  The Census Bureau, which has published it annually since 1878, has announced that it will discontinue producing it.  It is, in the Census Bureau’s words, a guidebook that “provides a comprehensive summary of industrial, social, economic, and political data. It serves as a statistical compendium and as a guide to other statistical publications and sources. It includes tables and charts drawn from data of almost 300 government, private, and international agencies.”  It is produced both to provide the public with clear and current statistical data, and also to facilitate the best … Continued
ProQuest Possibilities

ProQuest Possibilities

If you’ve visited the IU East Campus Library or searched for online library resources, you have probably seen or heard the word “ProQuest.”  If you have searched for peer-reviewed articles for a research paper, you have likely used a ProQuest database. Have you ever wondered what ProQuest is and what it does? ProQuest is one of a few large vendors that compile academic material for libraries to purchase as database subscriptions. ProQuest offers general and specialized databases. To begin a search of one of the ProQuest databases, you click on the Research tab on the library webpage:  Click on “Find Articles and Journals” A list of available databases will appear, and you can specify search terms, or browse the … Continued
Triangle Fire

Triangle Fire

This month marks the 100th Anniversary of one of the worst workplace disasters in American history.  On March 25, 1911, 146 factory workers were killed in a horrific fire in New York City’s Triangle Waistcoat Factory. Those who died were working at sewing machines on the 9th floor of the Asch Building. The Triangle Factory was one of the city’s most successful, but the workers, mostly young women, worked long hours in dangerous conditions. The fire began near closing time on a Saturday, sparked by a match or cigarette dropped into a basket of scraps. It spread quickly, giving the workers little time to respond.  A fire escape collapsed, a door was locked (a deterrent to worker’s leaving without being … Continued
Read Across America

Read Across America

Union County youth enjoyed meeting Rufus March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday. To commemorate Theodor Geisel’s talent and to promote reading, the Whitewater Valley chapter of the IU Alumni Association sponsors reading celebrations throughout the region. As coordinator for the event in Union County, I was fortunate to have wonderful assistance from many people affiliated with IU.  Rob Zinkan and Amanda Vance of IU East External Affairs arranged for Rufus to visit with the children at the event and provided IU goodies. Kyle Wright and Londa Brown of IU East Athletics brought many members of the Volleyball team, all of whom were enthusiastic volunteers. IU East students Brit Hudson and Megan Shepherd helped with crafts and photography.  IU alumni Shell … Continued
We can do it!

We can do it!

American Women’s History Online: A Facts on File Database Celebrate! Women’s History Month is here! This March locate historic information about American Women at the American Women’s History Online. Find biographies, images, primary source and timelines about American women. Read about the events and issues that shape women’s lives in the United States. Watch videos to enlighten and remind you of the struggles for rights and “firsts” for American women. The Topic Centers provide an organizational overview to American Women’s History. These pages provide organization to focus the issues that characterize our lives today. Read about dower rights and the use of feme covert in the colonies and early United States. Discover the past, to understand the present.