

National Mentoring Month

National Mentoring Month

As 2010 quickly fades into memory and 2011 arrives, New Year’s Resolutions might be on your “to do” list.  If so, have you considered being a mentor? Did you know January is National Mentoring Month? ( And did you know that right here in Richmond, Indiana we need mentors for two very special programs? The Richmond Community Schools needs 16 mentors to build “a positive relationship with a caring adult” with 6th – 8th grade students in the Cruising Into Your Future and Early College programs. Cruising Into Your Future needs 10 mentors among 6 schools. Each mentor meets with a group of 4 students one day per week during a 30 minute lunch period.  You can choose the day of … Continued
Online Photo Archives

Online Photo Archives

  Last Friday, we held a photo party, where a number of IU East’s long-standing employees generously gave their time to help us identify countless unlabeled photographs from the archives.  We are immensely grateful for the help of Lee Ann Adams, Rena Dilworth, Di Fahl, Paul Kriese, Mary Mahank, Gail Smoker, and Tammy Williamson.  It was wonderful to hear all your stories and memories about IU East, and you have made sure that this important history will not be lost.     We will add all of the wealth of information you’ve supplied to the descriptions of the pictures on the library’s Flickr account at  And when it’s done, IU East will have a significant and easily searchable historical … Continued
Picture Party

Picture Party

With IU East’s fortieth anniversary rapidly approaching, we’ve been sorting through the archives and finding all kinds of interesting pictures from our university’s past.  There’s only one problem – a lot of them have no identification! And that’s where we need your help.  This Friday, December 3rd, from 11-1, the library will host a picture party, and we encourage you to come help us identify these pieces of our history.  And even if you haven’t been at IU East long, it’s still a good opportunity to hear some great stories about our past!   We have hundreds of pictures we need to identify – who is in them, what’s going on, when it’s happening.  Even if you can’t be at … Continued
Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month

Richmond, Indiana was founded in 1818, but the history of people in this area goes back thousands of years before that. Native American tribes, including the Miami, Potawatomi, Delaware, and Shawnee, thrived in Indiana. November is Native American Heritage Month, and you can learn more about the diverse and complex history of Native Americans at the IU East Campus Library. One excellent database that features resources about the Native American Experience is American Indian History Online. This database allows you to choose search terms based on what you wish to study. You can search by region, tribe, person, event, or topic. There are extensive timelines, going as far back as the first humans on the North American continent, as … Continued


You may be familiar with some of our bigger and better known databases – EBSCO, JSTOR, ProQuest – but we have some real treasures among the lesser-known ones, too.  CredoReference is one of them. CredoReference is like a reference shelf full of hundreds of dictionaries, encyclopedias, quotation guides, and biographies all in one place.  Some are specialized, focusing on subjects like business or medicine.  Some are general works.  But the strength of this database is its interconnectedness.  And while you have the standard encyclopedia entries, you also have access to multimedia content including images, maps, videos, music files, tables, and statistics – all linked together. Have you ever used the Encyclopaedia Britannica?  While reading an article about Mozart, have you … Continued