

Sydney Schumacher- History Major

Sydney Schumacher- History Major

I still remember the day that I fell in love with museums. I was twelve years old and it was at The Milwaukee Public Museum in Wisconsin, my home state. I had always been a history lover, and for the longest time I wanted to be a Paleontologist. As I grew older, I came to favor ancient and medieval world history, which is what I am majoring in. I have done a lot of reading and studying over my lifetime, and I have had the amazing opportunity to go to Egypt to study my love for history first hand. Museums, libraries, and archives are all workplaces that I am just itching to get my hands into. This semester I have … Continued
Introducing….3 virtual interns!

Introducing….3 virtual interns!

For Fall 2013 IU East is fortunate to have not 1, not 2, but 3 (!) graduate library interns from the American Library Association accredited graduate library school at San Jose State University. We appreciate the opportunity to have these students contribute their ideas and talents to projects that will benefit the campus and community. Robin Kokemore Rangel is working on an “Art Around the World” project. She will research authentic art from several countries and contribute to a resource guide that includes art samples, information about the country and culture, and ideas for art projects that represent the culture and artistic style. Robin earned her BA in U.S. History at the University of California, Berkeley. She currently works as … Continued
Interns: Involvement and Empowerment!

Interns: Involvement and Empowerment!

Want to use your talents and interests while also learning new skills and receiving un-ending gratitude? Think about being a library intern!  An internship is a mutually beneficial arrangement.  The undergraduate or graduate student can: learn new skills helpful for future employment use unique talents and strengths to make a lasting contribution to the Campus increase professional contacts enhance a resume experience personal and professional growth meet interesting people In the past two years the Campus Library has hosted five interns, with a sixth starting for Fall 2011. Each intern has had a significant impact on library resources or services. Thanks to these interns, the Library is improved and enhanced in many ways, such as: Debra White developed an easy-to-manage … Continued
Intentional Spaces

Intentional Spaces

This year, while attending the annual American Library Association conference, graduate intern Sarah Gilchrist presented on “The Library Living Room: Creating Learning Relationships” (you can see her poster behind her in the picture).  Thousands of librarians from all over the country attend the ALA annual conference, and Sarah’s presentation gave us a chance to share with others the success of that unique learning environment, even as she learned about their new ideas.   The Library Living Room is a great space, and an excellent study or hang-out area for students (when classes aren’t running there!).  But it is just one of many intentional spaces in the library.  We’ve changed a lot of rooms in the library to better suit student … Continued
Meet Sarah Gilchrist

Meet Sarah Gilchrist

Our newest intern is Sarah Gilchrist, a graduate student at IUPUI in library science.  She received her dual B.A. in Comparative Literature and Slavic Languages and Literature at IU.  She visited Russia during her studies.  Sarah grew up in Indianapolis, but has lived throughout the United States.  After graduating, she plans to do more international travel. Sarah has worked in numerous libraries, where she’s honed an interest in reading, teaching, and community involvement.  Interning at IU East will give her experience with academic libraries, and she’ll be helping with creating a library concierge service, participating in the Communities in Schools Book Arts workshop, First Year Orientation, library instruction, and writing LibGuides.  Sarah will be with us through June and July, … Continued