Library Resources

Library Resources

Ask the (IU East) Archivist 2020

Ask the (IU East) Archivist 2020

October is American Archives Month and Wednesday, October 7th is #AskAnArchivist Day. To celebrate, here is a list of popular and common questions IU East Archivist Beth South is asked about the Indiana University East Archives. What is the IU East Archives? The mission of the Indiana University East Campus Archives is to collect, organize, preserve, and provide access to print and electronic resources that document the history and continuing activities of Indiana University East faculty, staff, students, alumni and benefactors. With our collecting focused specifically on the IU East organization, the IU East Campus Archives is known as an institutional repository. What is the oldest item in your collection? Not exactly our oldest collection (more on that later), but … Continued
Legal Research with Nexis Uni

Legal Research with Nexis Uni

With major cases coming in front of the Supreme Court, laws – and possible judicial changes to them – are often in the news.  How laws change or are reapplied in the court system is a significant point of scholarly interest, and an exceptional database for exploring the law is Nexis Uni (formerly called Lexis Nexis Academic). Nexis Uni contains a lot of different types of material – news articles, law reviews, even corporate information – but its main strength lies in legal studies.  It is not as valuable for ‘code’ law (statutes passed by a legislature, which are typically straightforward, albeit very lengthy and archaically worded – amounting to lists of ‘don’t do this, or you will be fined … Continued
Learning About Daily Life

Learning About Daily Life

Cultures, customs, and routines have been as diverse in the past as they are today.  But for a long-past civilization, there is no longer a means of direct intercultural communication to learn about it.  Still, knowledge of the inner workings of a society and culture are vital to many types of researchers.  Greenwood Press’s database Daily Life Through History offers a unique exploration of these questions, shedding insight on what life was like in any given era or part of the globe; not just for the elites, but also for those of more modest estate – what was it like obtaining necessities, like bread; or to what degree people were free to move about and make life choices such as … Continued
How to Master Research

How to Master Research

You can become a research expert and the librarians at the IU East Campus Library are here to help! Doing library research may seem quite complex at first.  How do you distinguish what the scholarly sources are, and where to find them?  What about ‘primary’ sources?  The interface of a library research database can look more complicated than you are used to.  However, in order to get better information for academic work, you need better tools.  You need to know where to look, how to choose the words you will search with, what syntax to use, how to exclude information you don’t want, and how to critically evaluate what you get back. The library has created a multidisciplinary guide to … Continued
Go to the sources! Primary sources at IU East

Go to the sources! Primary sources at IU East

A primary source is an original “real thing.” It could be a song written in your favorite artist’s handwriting – maybe even on the back of an envelope.  Or Leonardo da Vinci’s sketch of one of his early paintings.  It could even be your family’s old Bible, with the names of your ancestors written, with dates of birth, marriage and other life events.  “Real things” come in a variety of forms, shapes, contexts and types. Through IU East, you have access to a number of these types of documents. Check out these highlights! African American Communities This database includes a variety of materials related to the African American experience, across multiple communities.  From documentation of segregation and racist activity against … Continued