Library Services

Library Services

How to Master Research

How to Master Research

You can become a research expert and the librarians at the IU East Campus Library are here to help! Doing library research may seem quite complex at first.  How do you distinguish what the scholarly sources are, and where to find them?  What about ‘primary’ sources?  The interface of a library research database can look more complicated than you are used to.  However, in order to get better information for academic work, you need better tools.  You need to know where to look, how to choose the words you will search with, what syntax to use, how to exclude information you don’t want, and how to critically evaluate what you get back. The library has created a multidisciplinary guide to … Continued
Educational Resources – Free Online (ERFO)

Educational Resources – Free Online (ERFO)

Providing reliable and useful resources is a large part of the mission of our Campus Library.  This includes numerous databases, e-books, and media that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars that are paid to aggregate vendors, producers and publishers. More and more resources are becoming “open access,” meaning they are publicly accessible and free to use. However, much content needed by academic library users still comes with a cost. That situation is changing, in an interim response to the coronavirus pandemic.  Many formerly subscription-only resources are temporarily open access, some through April, some until June and some open-ended. To help our users discover newly-free resources, we have created a resource guide with access information: We will continue to update … Continued
Campus Library update: Who’s who and how we can help

Campus Library update: Who’s who and how we can help

Your campus library has the same friendly, familiar faces but we have some new titles and roles to share. Matthew Dilworth, Coordinator of Reference and Media Services, is available for all your reference and interlibrary loan needs. He is also liaison to the School of Business and Economics and completes all library resource forms for new course and program requests. 765.973.8279 KT Lowe, Assistant Librarian for Library Instruction, serves as liaison to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Work, and Office of Student Success. She collaborates with faculty for library instruction and creation of course-specific LibGuides and Canvas modules.  765.973.8434 Sue McFadden, Associate librarian for Research, is liaison to the School of Nursing and … Continued
Where to Get Things

Where to Get Things

If you’ve been anywhere near Hayes Hall recently, you’ve probably encountered a lot of construction, and the attendant noise that accompanies it.  Navigating the current quirks of the building – for example, the only working elevator is currently the one that goes through the library, the School of Business offices, and the custodial supply room; not the main one – can be like going on an adventure.  So, while we would love to have you in the library (and we are still fully open for business, with plenty of computers and study spaces arranged in our book stacks), we understand if, just for this one semester, you would like to avoid us as much as possible. But you still need … Continued