

Faculty Scholarship Celebration: Library Resources that support Faculty Research

Faculty Scholarship Celebration: Library Resources that support Faculty Research

The IU East Campus Library is here to support students in pursuit of academic success and faculty engaged in teaching and research. We provide databases and ebooks that can assist both students and faculty with their research. Inspired by the faculty who will be presenting at the 2nd Annual Faculty Scholarship Celebration on Friday, March 22nd  we wanted to share selected databases available through the library, that support these topics. Denise Bullock presents “The (Un)Becoming Body: Management of Body/Gender/Identity for Trans, Gender Queer, and Gender Fluid Individuals.” On topics related to gender and gender identity, check out the databases GenderWatch or Gender: Identity and Social Change. GenderWatch is a repository of important historical perspectives on the evolution of the women’s … Continued
Under Construction

Under Construction

As construction continues apace in the library, the louder sounds of power tools accompany the more traditional whispers usually heard here.  Stacks of construction materials move in – steel and drywall and paint and glass and tiles.  Electricians and plumbers and painters handle their specialized tasks.  And as different as the fields of construction and libraries are, there are lessons we can learn from our builder colleagues. After all, this is the time of year that your research should be ‘under construction’, as well.  Now that we are over a third of the way through the semester, if you have not already done at least some of your final research by this point, you are falling behind.  Now, chances are … Continued
How accurate is Hamilton?

How accurate is Hamilton?

Hamilton, the ten dollar Founding Father musical released in May 2015, is among the most successful musicals in history.  With the all-time best selling cast recording and a total gross of $463 million by January 2019, not to mention 11 Tony awards and a thoroughly lovable collection of alternative “Hamildrops,” the musical continues to remain in the popular imagination.  But one question that needs to be asked is – Just how true to its history is Hamilton? Alexander Hamilton, by John Trumbull (1806) Nobody listens to a musical for a history lesson.  While a new play by novelist Ishmael Reed asks rather pointed questions about the musical’s accuracy, it can be stated that Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton, went … Continued
Archives Unbound: Black Economic Empowerment, Civil Rights, Black Liberation, and the FBI

Archives Unbound: Black Economic Empowerment, Civil Rights, Black Liberation, and the FBI

The IU East Campus Library has added several new online archival collections from Archives Unbound that focus on Black history and civil rights. We celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. each January and commemorate Black History in February, but any time is a good time to remember and reflect on the many people and groups who participated in the fight for civil rights. These archival collections provide papers, FBI reports, manifestos, and images from a variety of research institutions and government agencies. Black Economic Empowerment: The National Negro Business League Date Range: 1901-1928 Content: 15,779 images Source Library: Library of Congress The National Negro Business League was a business organization founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 1900 by Booker … Continued
Your knowledge routine for 2019

Your knowledge routine for 2019

As tempting as it may be to “just google it” your Campus Library offers a vast array of reliable resources, and qualified human support, to help you be successful in your academic endeavors. No matter how long you have been a student, there is always new content and resources to discover. You can enhance your knowledge routine in 2019 by visiting the Library, in person or online! In person, we are here for you with assistance to find books, articles and more – just connect with Matt, KT, Beth or Frances. The Library also houses the Center for Service-Learning, so if you’re interested in serving our community, Ann is the person to see. Online, we offer virtual reference service…simply click … Continued