

Media Savvy

Media Savvy

Media Literacy Week is coming up, starting November 6th, and it is perfectly timed as you think about sources and what you want to include in your upcoming papers and projects. Media literacy is vital to anyone, teaching you how to understand and critique the many messages news, entertainment, advertising, and more send to you, and protecting you from manipulation by those who would influence your opinion or behavior (or, at least, minimizing that influence).   The National Association for Media Literacy Education defines media literacy as “the ability to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, COMMUNICATE and CREATE using all forms of communication”. It’s worth taking time to think about each of those abilities as you move forward in the semester. Access You … Continued
Get a Shot of Research Help

Get a Shot of Research Help

Fall is here, and so is flu season. The IU East Center for Health Promotion (CHP) is currently promoting “Flulapalooza,” encouraging students, staff and faculty to get flu vaccinations. The CHP provides safe and convenient access for flu vaccinations. While it is generally agreed upon that the flu vaccine is good for you and can help prevent the spread of the virus, vaccines in general are a controversial topic and there can be misinformation spread if one does not use reliable sources. Here at the IU East Campus Library we have information resources that can help you navigate health related topics from various points of views. The Library subscribes to a database provided by Gale, the Health and Wellness Resource … Continued
My Quest on Heritage Quest

My Quest on Heritage Quest

This year’s One Book selection, The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, traces both the life of Khadra Shamy and that of her family, going back two generations. A key moment in the book covers Khadra’s visit to Syria, where she meets with her aunt Teta and learns more about her family history. Here on campus, we can help you with the same research. All IU East students, faculty and staff have access to Heritage Quest, a rich resource full of census records, city directories, family trees and other related genealogical materials. Heritage Quest, powered by ProQuest and, can help you discover your background – even the stories that your family has held true for generations. I decided to check … Continued
One Stop Searching

One Stop Searching

Last week, we showed you the incredible new interlibrary loan system we’re rolling out. But that isn’t the only change we’re implementing this summer. Now, looking for any library resource will be a lot easier. We’re debuting the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) – a type of meta-search engine that looks through every library database at once. EBSCO is the maker of about a third of our databases, including ones you’ve probably used like Academic Search Premier, Business Source Complete, and CINAHL. The format and layout of the new EDS tool matches those databases, so if you’ve used one, you already know what you’re doing. And we’ve placed it prominently, so it’s easy to find. There’s a search box right on … Continued
Celebrate Student Scholarly Work at IU East

Celebrate Student Scholarly Work at IU East

Student Research Day (SRD) is a tradition at Indiana University East and it began as the culmination of the SUMRS (Summer Research Scholars Program) for undergraduates. After the research was completed the students presented their scholarly research findings at a meeting. Over the years the meeting expanded to an event each spring with the SUMRS scholars and additional students sharing findings and results from their research and creative activities. The range of activities for SRD includes oral presentations, poster presentations, 3-minute presentations, and distance presentations. At SRD 2017 on March 31st, the promotional issue of the Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East was shared with presenters and attendees. The journal celebrates and records student scholarly achievements while at … Continued