

Friends with Research

Friends with Research

If you haven’t yet, be sure to LIKE the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for updates on databases that can provide interesting, reliable information for a class project, research paper, or simply be of interest to you! Below are highlights of databases featured recently. Education Interested in interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards, and articles for academic skill-building, standardized test preparation, and career development? Create a FREE account with LearningExpress and gain access to practice tests and materials for the GRE, MCAT, LSAT, and GMAT, plus the college entry tests like SAT and ACT. Taking a class in Education? Check out the Education in Videos database. This reliable resource has more than 1,650 hours of videos that provide the opportunity to … Continued
Full-text and e-books for fast access

Full-text and e-books for fast access

When time is a factor, your campus library has resources that can be accessed immediately – locally held books and ebooks and full text articles in databases.  Most databases offer a check box or something similar to refine searching to immediately available assets.  Often, this will be near the search box, or along one side of the screen, in a section with a heading like ‘limit your results’.  Databases like the EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest, or JSTOR, offer copious full text, whereas sources like Web of Knowledge or Science Citation Index, offer only citations or abstracts. If there are specific articles we don’t have for immediate access, interlibrary loan for them is available.  Since articles can be sent electronically, we … Continued
Open To All – the Public Domain

Open To All – the Public Domain

On Public Domain Day, January 1, 2023, works published in 1927 entered the public domain. What is “Public Domain” and Why 1927?  The public domain consists of all the creative work to which no exclusive intellectual property rights apply. Those rights may have expired, been forfeited, or waived. Therefore, anyone can legally use or reference those works without permission. With the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, copyright was extended an additional 20 years, from 75 to 95 years. So, these works that were originally to enter the public domain in 2003 are now entering the public domain in 2023. These materials are open to all and can now be used in class, performances, and projects in any way, shape, … Continued
Faculty resources at the library

Faculty resources at the library

The IU East Campus Library supports the entire IU East community – students, staff and faculty.  While many of the library’s resources focus on topics of broad interest to everyone on campus, they also include materials specifically for faculty. Chronicle of Higher Education The Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE) is a weekly publication founded in 1966 and dedicated to keeping college educators up to date on the latest trends in the field.  The library subscription includes the ability to peruse current and previous articles as far back as 1988, plus access to the job board.  As a frontline resource for academics and educators, CHE is well respected for its in-depth coverage of issues that matter like retention, burnout and academic … Continued
Archival treasures

Archival treasures

Archives provide entry to a history of treasures that document people, places, and events. In addition to physical archives, many open-access archives are available, ranging in topics from government and historical documents found at the National Archives, to code making and breaking in the Cryptology ePrint Archives, and historical children’s books available via the Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature. Below are just a select few of the many archives available online. Photo from: Internet Archives – Cookery Book Love Food? Let’s get cooking! Cookbooks are windows into history that document daily life and provide snapshots of regional and cultural identify at a particular moment in time. Recently 10,000 vintage recipe books have been digitized and can be found in … Continued