

Historical Research Resources: real-time and real perspectives

Historical Research Resources: real-time and real perspectives

Suppose someone living in the year 2025, or even 2225, wants reliable information about what happened in 2011? Where would be the best place to get information (assuming by then all our brains aren’t pre-wired at birth to the Internet or whatever comes Next)? There are unique considerations when doing historical research, for whatever type of questions you seek to answer.  One facet of historical research is the need for primary sources – that is, things written and said by the people actually involved with those events.  Having access to primary documentation is of vital important to historical study.  Newspapers are also of great value, providing contemporary perspectives that can be critical to understanding the perceptions about events and people … Continued
127 and counting…more IU East libguides to connect you with the info. you need!

127 and counting…more IU East libguides to connect you with the info. you need!

“Libguides” are information resource guides that bring together course or subject content in an organized, easy-to-access format.   The library faculty and staff at the IU East Campus Library are ready and eager to create libguides for any topic that will assist faculty and students access reliable and relevant information.  If you have questions or want to request a libguide for a course or subject, please contact Library Director Frances Yates Our current list of guides ( represents a variety of courses offered at IU East. We also design guides to make it easy for locating specific resources.  For example: a handy guide to databases by subject how to access and use library e-books international films available for … Continued
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Month, so library staff want to share some relevant resources in psychology and mental wellness.  Online journals provide current, readily accessible articles.  We subscribe to two major databases that cover psychological issues: ProQuest Psychology Journals and PsycINFO from EBSCOhost (see last week’s blog for more on EBSCO).  Both are very user-friendly and have a wealth of full text information.  If currency isn’t an issue, JSTOR can also be a powerful database, but it doesn’t feature articles from the last few years like ProQuest and EBSCO do.  You also might want to use PubMed Central, the National Institute of Health’s free digital archive.   Additionally, we also have a wide selection of books and e-books, a sampling … Continued
The Right Cite

The Right Cite

So, it’s a third of the way into the semester, and you have some papers coming due.  Research papers.  And you need to cite your sources.  Well, there are many helpful aids to doing that.  We have the style manuals at the library’s front desk that you can use.  And we, and our colleagues in the Writing Lab, are glad to help you figure them out.  There’s the Online Writing Lab at, which is great for getting you through MLA or APA style.  And there’s RefWorks, a program we subscribe to that will help you generate whole reference lists. But for a lot of things, references are even simpler than all that!  For many of our databases, citations can … Continued
Dam Rumors

Dam Rumors

So, I was on vacation last week, and one of the things I saw on my trip was the Hoover Dam.  I was awed by the scale of the thing, and how much went into planning and creating it – and how much of Nevada, Arizona, and California can exist at all because of the clean water and hydroelectric power generated there.  When you’re looking straight down over a sheer wall of more than 700 feet of concrete, humility comes more easily.  Now, I’m not an architect or engineer (several of the friends I was traveling with are), so I’m sure I didn’t appreciate it thoroughly, but it was amazing to think of this massive project being done with the … Continued