

Writers, musicians, scientists: accomplishments of Black women throughout history

Writers, musicians, scientists: accomplishments of Black women throughout history

In the arts, sciences, humanities and popular culture, Black women have helped to shape our society in ways large and small. You can research them in databases like African-American History Online, Black Women Writers, or Black Thought and Culture.  In this blog, we highlight three of these extraordinary women and their tremendous contributions to American society, history and culture. Sister Rosetta Tharpe The guitar stings its notes one after the next, amplified by gigantic speakers.  Up front, in a sleeveless cotton dress, a woman stands in front of a large silver microphone, her hair pulled up away from her face.  She is Sister Rosetta Tharpe, and according to a number of music historians, she invented or promoted many of the … Continued
Make Accessing Articles Easier for Your Students with ProQuest

Make Accessing Articles Easier for Your Students with ProQuest

One of the IU East Campus Library’s biggest database providers, ProQuest, now can be integrated into Learning Management Systems, including Canvas. If you find that you regularly incorporate research articles from one of our ProQuest databases, such as ProQuest Central, into your courses, then there is now an easier way to link to ProQuest content from within Canvas. This new integration capability will allow students to directly access journal articles, primary source documents, videos, and newspaper reports without leaving their Canvas course environment, skipping over the hassle of linking out of the course and having to login again to access the material. Once your Canvas account is configured to use ProQuest as an External Tool by your Canvas administrator, you … Continued
Visual Artists and HIV

Visual Artists and HIV

Since 1989, art galleries and museums have taken note of the toll that HIV has taken on artists and their communities.  While a number of HIV+ artists are well known, such as photographers Robert Mapplethorpe and Herb Ritts and painter Keith Haring, the disease still affects the art world today.  Profiled below are three artists whose work is making a significant impact in the art world today. Photographer John Dugdale produces fragile, beautiful cyanotypes and calotypes that often feature LGBTQ themes (even the flowers – really!).Born in 1960, Dugdale studied photography at New York’s School of the Visual Arts.  He was diagnosed with HIV in 1982 and lived with the disease mostly in check until 1993, when he suffered two … Continued
Celebrating Students – The Journal of Student Research at IU East

Celebrating Students – The Journal of Student Research at IU East

The Journal of Student Research at IU East (JSRIUE) is an open-access, digital journal that is composed of student work. The Journal showcases everything from class research papers, literature reviews, creative work, digital presentations, and more! Why should I submit? Students who submit and are accepted for publication in the Journal of Student Research at IU East achieve authorship in a high-quality, open-access journal. Scholars from around the globe will be able to see your work! This accomplishment looks great on a résumé or grad school application. JSRIUE is a digital publication, so you’ll also be able to share a link showcasing your work to friends and family. What are some submission guidelines? The Journal of Student Research at IU East … Continued
Oxford Scholarship Online and the Prospective Print Pilot

Oxford Scholarship Online and the Prospective Print Pilot

Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a database that offers access to thousands of academic works from Oxford University Press. Since the fall of 2016, The IU East Campus Library has had access to certain subject modules in Oxford Scholarship Online, including Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Social Work, Sociology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Economics and Finance, and History. Starting February 2021, the IU East Campus Library, along with the other regional campus libraries, will be joining the Bloomington campus in participating in an Oxford Prospective Print Pilot through the Big Ten Academic Alliance Library Initiatives (BTAA). With this program, the BTAA receives one archival print copy of new titles within certain Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) subjects, with online access extended to … Continued