

The delights of French yé-yé pop

The delights of French yé-yé pop

From 1962 to 1968, some of the most vibrant popular music in the Western world stemmed not from the US or the UK, but France.  Dubbed the yé-yé movement, in part after the syllables “yeah yeah yeah” in the then-current Beatles’ hit “She Loves You,” this music combined French chansonwith British and American rock and occasionally charted in non-French speaking nations.  Roughly analogous to girl-group pop in the US, yé-yé was primarily performed by women, whose employment opportunities were somewhat limited at that time.  Although the student riots of 1968 mostly tamped enthusiasm for yé-yé in France, the music continues to influence both musicians and filmmakers to the present day.  Of all the yé-yé performers, it is likely that the … Continued
Publish Open Access with Cambridge University Press

Publish Open Access with Cambridge University Press

The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA), in which Indiana University is a part of, and Cambridge University Press (CUP) have agreed on a new 3-year Read and Publish license deal (2024-2026) for CUP journals. This deal includes: Reading: Access to all CUP journals (over 400) at a price similar to or slightly higher than what campuses were paying for fewer journals. This includes permanent access to journal content published during the agreement period. Publishing: No fees for authors from your campuses to publish open access research articles in CUP’s gold OA and hybrid journals. There are no limits on this. This agreement not only benefits participating campuses immediately but also supports a fairer scholarly system. Articles published under this deal will be … Continued
Library Resource Updates: Rosetta Stone and Artstor

Library Resource Updates: Rosetta Stone and Artstor

Rosetta Stone Language Learning Did you know that the IU East Campus Library has access to Rosetta Stone through the Indiana State Library? Rosetta Stone is a language learning software that uses online technology to assist learners of all kinds in reading, writing, and speaking over 30 languages, including some that are at risk of disappearing. It provides immersive, bite-sized lessons, and immediate feedback on pronunciation, making it easy to learn a language on the go. You can study one language or multiple at a time! The Rosetta Stone platform has been updated with new content, cultural stories, and imagery. So, if you’ve taken advantage of this resource before, you will need to take note of your current progress. All … Continued
A guide to political (mis)information

A guide to political (mis)information

During any election season, voters are bombarded with messages regarding candidates, policies and the potential outcomes of a particular candidate’s victory.  Yet much of that messaging is distributed as lower-quality information, sometimes fact-free in its entirety.  Voting is an incredibly important duty for American citizens, and that means it’s doubly important to know how to find good quality information.  This is a guide to help locate facts and navigate the current political information environment. Memes are horrible sources of information Goofy cat pictures.  Images of celebrities saying or writing things they might not in a real-world situation.  Dogs in glasses.  These things seem harmless, but they’re not.  Why are memes so bad?  As defined by Richard Dawkins, memes are units … Continued
Celebrating African-American Music Month

Celebrating African-American Music Month

June is African-American Music Month, intended to celebrate the important contributions of African-American entertainers in the music industry.  Most American popular music is rooted in Black music traditions dating to the founding of the country, a fact not always acknowledged in society, and these traditions range from instrumentation to musical style to vocalization.  This blog highlights a handful of influential African-American musicians whose work is part of American collective social memory. Gladys Bentley Openly lesbian and among the first well-known drag king performers in American history, Gladys Bentley (1907-1960) was born in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, and grew up in Philadelphia.  She left home at 16 to perform in jazz clubs in New York, under her own name but dressed in formal … Continued