

Credo Reference Concept Map Poetry Contest! Money! YOU win AND the Library wins!

Credo Reference Concept Map Poetry Contest! Money! YOU win AND the Library wins!

You might be thinking, what’s “Credo reference,” what’s a “concept map,” and most important, “how do I win?” Credo Reference is a service the library subscribes to so IU East  students and faculty have access to full-text articles, images, video and audio clips. It even helps you find books in the IU library catalog (IUCat) and suggests search terms for your topics. You can access Credo Reference from anywhere using your iu user id and password via the proxy server: https://proxy.library.iue.edu/login?url=http://www.credoreference.com More reliable than Google or Wikipedia, Credo Reference is easy to navigate and you can save or email your search content. It also has useful tools, including pronunciations and a crossword puzzle solver! A unique feature of Credo Reference … Continued
Tin Eye and Image Searching

Tin Eye and Image Searching

When I was asked what my favorite recent website was for the last blog, I immediately thought of Tin Eye (http://www.tineye.com), a reverse photo lookup site, where you upload or link to a picture and it finds matches or near matches, regardless of whether they’ve been altered, cropped, or resized.  If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to talk about image searching on the web a little more today. There have been efforts to make good photo lookups since the early 90s – the metadata tags that most image search engines rely on are not well suited for multimedia.  And most engines use them – Google Images (http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi) and PicSearch (http://www.picsearch.com/), two commonly used examples, both search text about the pictures … Continued
Billie Girl

Billie Girl

A few days ago we were privileged to hear Vickie Weaver speak and read from her book Billie Girl, which won the 2009 Leapfrog Fiction Contest.  Weaver spoke on her journey towards becoming an author, and the challenges of that work. One thing Ms. Weaver has found is that her writing has naturally gravitated to giving voice to the voiceless and underrepresented in society.   This awakening began for her in college, as she discovered women’s studies classes, and now flows naturally from her novels. Ms. Weaver is an alumna of IU East, and received her M.F.A. in creative writing from Spalding University.  While she is first and foremost a writer, Weaver also teaches composition and creative writing part-time at IU … Continued
New Software in the Library

New Software in the Library

If you’re a regular to the library, you know about our study rooms — a great place to watch a video or work on a group project.  And now there are even more possibilities. Room 145 has been equipped with the Dragon Naturally Speaking software, a speech-recognition tool, courtesy of our friends in Student Support Services.  If typing a paper is difficult or uncomfortable for you, Dragon can ease the problem.  You speak into the program naturally, and it figures out word spacing and the commands you give it, translating them into text.  The program has a brief setup phase where it acclimates itself to your unique voice – and that profile grows and strengthens as you continue to use … Continued
Blog On!

Blog On!

Welcome to the new blog for your Campus Library! Because libraries contain a wealth of diverse perspectives on a variety of topics it seems fitting to have many perspectives and ideas represented in this blog. Therefore, writing our weekly blog entries will be rotated among our seven (lucky 7!) library staff members. I might also ask some avid campus library users to blog for us occasionally, just to mix-it-up a bit. We may feature a reflection on some interesting reading or media, an introduction to new or unique resources, or anecdotes about how information was used personally or professionally. As the Library Director at Indiana University East it is my pleasure to start the blog rolling. Although I have journaled, … Continued