

New: Campus Library Toolbar

New: Campus Library Toolbar

One thing I have learned as a librarian, is that most other librarians share great ideas and resources. I have not been disappointed this year. At a recent gathering of Indiana University librarians, Kirsten Leonard, from the Indiana University Kokomo campus, shared information about a tool she found during a presentation at a library-related conference. The organization responsible for the development of the library toolbar is LibX.org and provides open-access software and development support for librarians and libraries everywhere! The toolbar is developed by individual libraries and offers a variety of options for searching. The Campus Library Toolbar includes access links to several important resources and web pages, it allows searching of several library resources from the browser’s toolbar and … Continued
Follow the dragon….

Follow the dragon….

Campus Library–The fall semester begins, Monday August 25, 2008 at Indiana University East. New and exciting tools are available at the Campus Library to help students and faculty research and review literature. The new search tool developed from Serial Solutions federated 360 SEARCH product and locally the instance is named, Red Hot Search. A related product 360 LINK is named Red Hot Quest. These two tools work together to find information resources to provide for research, review and scholarly work for students and faculty. At a small academic library, locating full-text is limited by ownership, funds and resource access. These two important tools provide access to citations and through the quest to subscribed and un-owned resources in the form of … Continued
Red Hot Search “Ignites” Campus library Searches

Red Hot Search “Ignites” Campus library Searches

Wow, it is RED-HOT in the Campus Library! Our searches are on fire! Searches on library databases have been relegated to one-at-a-time searching for most of the databases subscribed to by the Campus Library. Google is seen as faster and more encompassing. Welcome RED-HOT-SEARCH! A multi-database, full-featured search tool. Since January 2008 the library staff have been adopting several services from Serials Solutions, a library vendor of online products. These products, or online tools, allow library databases to be organized and searched in groups. The library dragon image leads users to the new library tools offered by the library vendor Serials Solutions 360. Currently, about 80 campus databases may be searched at one time, selected as subject search databases or … Continued