

Love the Open: Data and Folklore

Love the Open: Data and Folklore

February is the month of “love” and besides Valentine’s Day, researchers and scholars can share their love of data and folklore. International Love Data Week (Feb. 12-16, 2024) and Wiki Loves Folklore (Feb. 1-March 31, 2024) share a common goal. Beth South, the IU East Access Services librarian, explains in this blog about various open access efforts. Beth’s work includes promoting open education and navigating copyright law. She is currently participating in the Creative Commons Certificate Program, focused on advancing open knowledge building and sharing while adhering to copyright law. The Creative Commons started as a non-profit in 2001, and by 2002, created a set of open licenses that allowed content creators and researchers world-wide to openly share their work … Continued
Creating Accessible Digital Content

Creating Accessible Digital Content

This past summer, the Department of Justice released notice of proposed rulemaking for digital accessibility of state and local government entities that would require the adoption of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, Level AA as the technical standard for web content. This proposed rule is expected to take effect as early as summer of 2024, in which all Indiana University websites, digital content, and applications are expected to comply (although there are exceptions). Accessibility should be a concern for everyone involved in teaching and learning, not just web designers, learning technology consultants, or accessibility coordinators. If you are a content creator of any kind, whether student or faculty, you should check out our 2020 blog post on Accessibility … Continued
Research lifelines for 2024

Research lifelines for 2024

A new year means new classes, new studies and maybe a new approach to doing research.  But all this newness can be difficult to navigate.  Thankfully, there is a solution, available to every student, faculty and staff member on campus.  The IU East Campus Library is here to help, with plenty of databases, finding aids and good advice to help students, staff and faculty in engaging with a new year’s worth of learning. The new A-Z list Looking for a more organized, simpler way to find important databases?  The library recently launched a revised Databases A-Z list, with numerous features that help with finding information.  The library includes databases for all subjects taught at IU East, along with broader spectrum … Continued
Happy Birthday, World Wide Web!

Happy Birthday, World Wide Web!

On August 1, 1990, Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist at CERN created the term “world wide web” to describe an interconnected universe of information.  The first graphics-based web browser, Mosaic, was developed only a few years later by computer scientist Marc Andreesen, then working for the University of Illinois.  While other text-based browsers already existed, like Gopher and Lynx, it was Mosaic that pointed the way toward what most people think of as the Internet today.  Considering the ubiquity of online information, commerce and entertainment, it is worth examining tools and tricks that make the Internet safer, easier and more useful.  For instance, special operators are an easy way to make any search engine work better.  A tilde (the ~ … Continued
New Interface for a Major Research Tool

New Interface for a Major Research Tool

The easiest way to begin searching for research materials at IU East is to start typing in the blank labelled “Search EBSCO (Articles)” on the library’s home page.  This search blank is a meta-search, which means that it looks through many of the library’s databases simultaneously.  Most research at IU East starts here. The software behind this is called the EBSCO Discovery Service, and it is getting a facelift.  The search interface will change, and some of the features and buttons are moving around.  Some new features are being added.  The clean-looking search blank continues to put some of the most popular filters right there with it (for example, restricting just to things that have full text immediately available, or … Continued