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American Indian History Databases

American Indian History Databases

Researching American Indian History? The library has some great primary and secondary resources to help you in your quest! If you’re new to the subject and need an overview of some possible topics, American Indian History Online is a great place to start. From the database homepage, click “Events and Topics” to explore overviews of themes such as American Indians in the American Revolution (see “Wars and Rebellions”) or employment and labor in the ancient Americas (see “Economics, Trade, and Labor”). This database provides you with an encyclopedic overview of a variety of topics, biographies of prominent individuals, images, maps, and some supplementary primary sources. Once you have a basic understanding of your chosen topic, try exploring secondary resources with … Continued
World Book Night … spreading the love of reading, person to person

World Book Night … spreading the love of reading, person to person

Think about a book you read recently that you enjoyed.  As simple as that…reading a book that gives you enjoyment.  Now think about people who know how to read, but do not. Perhaps they got out of the habit, or never developed the habit of reading for pleasure, or don’t have access, or any number of other reasons.  Now, YOU have an opportunity to change that. YOU can be part of a nation-wide reading advocacy project called “World Book Night.”  It occurs on April 23 but YOU have to act now.  Please go to the World Book Night website by JANUARY 25 and apply to be a “book giver.”  You’ll be directed to select 3 books as your top choices … Continued
Library Club scholarship recipients explain how the library helps them attain their academic goals

Library Club scholarship recipients explain how the library helps them attain their academic goals

Welcome to Spring 2013! The library has many resources and services useful in helping you succeed in your academic career. Read on to find out how these library club scholarship winners benefit from using our Campus Library..and how you can too! “…there are worlds, realms, characters, creatures, and individuals contained in their bound margins, whose stories are bursting at the seams, waiting to begin …” ~ Chase Eversole Even as technology has made accessing research materials easier, the library remains a vital part of my studies. Whether I’m accessing the databases at home or thumbing through a book when I’m on campus, I’ve come to respect and appreciate the resources I’m given as a student. Having the ability to find … Continued
Ghost of Christmas (Research) Past

Ghost of Christmas (Research) Past

Christmas 1776 found the Continental army at its lowest point.  After losing New York, the American Revolutionary army had fled across New Jersey and into Pennsylvania.  They were underfed and ill-equipped, and had proven vastly inferior to British troops in almost every way.  Washington himself wrote “I think the game is pretty near up.”  That evening, General George Washington led his famous crossing, taking men across the Delaware river to attack the Hessian fortification in Trenton, New Jersey.  This involved a nine mile march through freezing cold (some soldiers didn’t even have boots).  The battle was a complete success, eliminating the garrison, capturing valuable supplies and cannons, and proving that American soldiers could actually defeat regular army troops.  The battle … Continued
Service Learning at Northeastern

Service Learning at Northeastern

Northeastern Elementary School is one of the many community partners working with the Center for Service-Learning.  IU East students placed at Northeastern Elementary get on-the-job experience working with children in an education environment while at the same time providing valued mentor relationships for youth.   CSL currently has students assisting in classrooms and tutoring during the Homework Heroes after-school program.  In the Spring, IU East science and education students will have the opportunity to help with Northeastern’s science fair. Volunteer opportunities are open to all IU East students! Elementary education major Kati Felix is one of the students who tutored in the Homework Heroes program this semester.  She worked with three students for an hour each week.  Kati reflected, “This experience … Continued