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America Recycles

America Recycles

An initiative of Keep America Beautiful, we celebrate America Recycles Day on November 15, 2023.  Reducing and reusing materials are useful options to reduce waste, but not always possible. While many people care about recycling, it can be confusing about how to recycle properly. According to Keep America Beautiful, in the past year, Americans have recycled 1.8 million pounds of single-stream recycling, 157 thousand pounds of clothing/textiles, and 2.3 million pounds of mixed paper. Benefits of recycling include reducing landfill waste and greenhouse gases and helping to preserve natural resources. Tips for effective recycling: How to recycle    Items put in the recycling bin should be empty, clean, and dry. Don’t just throw materials into a recycling bin. It is … Continued
Music for social movements

Music for social movements

Music is essential to social movements throughout American history.  From the Revolutionary War to modern civil rights protests, music has invigorated the masses, served as a cultural touchstone for future generations, and galvanized communities to take action.  This is true not only in the United States but throughout the world.  A quick overview of protest music, with a look at the future of the form, is important to understanding the role of music in securing rights and freedoms.  The very first American protest song was written probably in 1755 by a British doctor.  Known today as “Yankee Doodle”, it was originally written as a taunt to American colonists who were viewed as childish, immature and lacking in strength.  When the … Continued
Exploring Library Databases

Exploring Library Databases

Excited to explore an array of trusted resources and dependable databases? Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page! We regularly feature highlights from our A-Z index, and here are some of our recent favorites. In search of comprehensive reports on current and trending issues? Look no further than the CQ Researcher database, providing in-depth analyses across a wide spectrum of topics, from impartial coverage of health and social trends to criminal justice, international affairs, education, technology, the economy, and more. Additionally, Ebook Central provides access to a vast library of over 220,000 ebooks across 50 subject areas, including health & medicine, history & political science, religion & philosophy, social sciences, and science … Continued
Howl at the Moon

Howl at the Moon

Homecoming is approaching at IU East, and this year’s theme is “Howling at the Moon”.  Events are scheduled starting October 28 and culminating on November 3 with the installation and reception for Chancellor Dennis Rome at 11:00 in Vivian Auditorium and the Whitewater Hall lobby, and later the Homecoming Men’s Basketball game at 1:00 against Northwestern and the Women’s Volleyball game at 7:00 against Shawnee State, in the Student Events Center. Howling at the moon also evokes space; and ties the festivities to the upcoming eclipse where the moon will obscure the sun.  Wolves howling at the moon is a widely recognized cultural image.  Of course, wolves don’t just howl at night – or even specifically at the moon.  They … Continued
Open Access 2023: Community over Commercialization

Open Access 2023: Community over Commercialization

International Open Access Week is October 23-29 and the theme for 2023 is Community over Commercialization, raising awareness on the importance of communities having control of knowledge sharing systems so they can have access to the data and information they need to collectively fight climate change, inequality, and effectively enact public health policies. “Openness can create pathways to more equitable knowledge sharing and serve as a means to address the inequities that shape societies and our response to them.” (International Open Access Week, Theme).  As you review the resources and information listed in this blog, the International Open Access community encourages you to consider the theme to this year’s Open Access Week and think critically about which approaches to open … Continued