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Free at Last: A History of the Abolition of Slavery in America

Free at Last: A History of the Abolition of Slavery in America

“Free at Last: A History of the Abolition of Slavery in America” is an exhibit in the Art Gallery from March 2-30, hosted by the IU East Student Social Work Association ( When members of the SSWA asked us about resources related to this traveling exhibit, we were eager to provide supplemental content to extend the learning experience. This libguide features books, databases and other sources of interesting and reliable information.   The “Free at Last” exhibit presents letters, documents, cartoons, photographs and broadsides from the The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Prior to this traveling exhibit, these important documents were unavailable to the public nationally. Among the highlights are an early fragment of the “House Divided” speech … Continued
E-Book Publishers

E-Book Publishers

If you’ve been keeping up with the news in the publishing world, you may have heard that Penguin Press has just withdrawn support for their e-books from libraries.  Now, of the ‘Big Six’ publishers, only Random House still makes e-book content available for libraries to lend.   Does this mean that the library will no longer be able to support e-books?  What if e-books end up almost entirely replacing print books?  Where will that leave you?  Well, first, the problem – while serious – almost entirely affects popular literature.  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Twilight books, James Patterson and John Grisham novels – interesting, current books, but not the kind of books that scholars use.  So, while you might … Continued
Curious? Take a peek at these!

Curious? Take a peek at these!

As someone new to the IU East library I decided it would be good to do some exploring in the library’s different databases and learn what resources are available to the community I will be serving.  What I found was interesting, surprising, sometimes odd, and even fun! Here are just a few samples of some resources you might enjoy.  And who knows, maybe one of them will spark some ideas for an interesting research paper or proposal.  Now I don’t remember much from the sixties; this may be because my father was five in 1960 and I wasn’t even a spark in his eye, or for a completely different reason, who knows, but after checking out The Sixties: Primary Documents … Continued
Interfaith Understanding

Interfaith Understanding

What do Tu B’shvat, Magha Puja, and Naw-Ruz have in common?  They are all upcoming events in IU East’s Interfaith Initiative that is part of President Obama’s Campus Challenge to build understanding among diverse communities. These celebrations highlight some traditions in the Jewish, Buddhist, and Baha’I faiths. The IU East Campus Library, like libraries throughout the world, is committed to proactively providing diverse resources and supporting programs that inform and enlighten participants about various faiths and cultures.  We have gathered some resources in this library guide: to highlight specific interfaith celebrations. We also feature multicultural and diversity resources in these guides: If you are an IU East student or faculty member who perceives … Continued


When it comes to databases and journal article retrieval there’s really no such thing as TMI.  You never know what random bit of information you’ll find from some of our most unique databases in the A-Z list.  You may look at this list and think “I’ll never need that.” But challenge yourself to think beyond what you need, starting with a few of the databases mentioned below, FYI.   Soon you’ll be singing a different tune about your daily life like, “Yoho, Yoho a Viking’s life for me.” The Daily Life Thru History database gives you organized and accessible info about eras from as far back as 10,000 BCE Greece to modern day America. Know your ancestry? Find out more … Continued