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Look What a Dollar will Get You!

Look What a Dollar will Get You!

The Library has a new booksale cart, stylized like a medieval book vendor!  Situated right outside the library in Hayes Hall, we are selling a lot of great surplus books that just don’t quite fit our academic mission. If you’ve ever been in the library on the week of a book sale, you know what a pain it could be getting around, with tables full of books in the way of everything.  But now, we have the excitement of the old book sale in a much less obtrusive format! Just a few of the great titles on the cart right now are Dorothy on the Rocks, The Cootie Catcher Book, Complete Guide to Gardening, A Book of Word Games, and … Continued
Alumni Action

Alumni Action

Alumni are amazing. It’s a network of people across time and professions, but connected through a place that had an important impact on all our lives. Being an IU alumna twice-over (School of Library and Information Science 1981, 1991) I was especially gratified to attain a library position at IU East in 2009. I soon got involved with the Eastern Chapter of the IU Alumni Association and due to our common IU experience, immediately felt comfortable with the members. As the IU East Campus Library embarked on a journey to develop an informal instruction room (dubbed “The Library Living Room”) I naturally chatted about it at alumni meetings. I was confident others would care about positive changes and innovative instruction as much … Continued
Mandi Moning joins campus library staff

Mandi Moning joins campus library staff

Please join me in welcoming Mandi Moning to our campus library staff. She begins her position as Coordinator of User Services and Library Operations on August 16.  Mandi earned her BA in history at Miami University (OH) and a dual Masters in Library Science and History at State University of New York at Albany in 2009. Her job duties will include circulation, statistics, and archives, with a focus on total customer service. Mandi has worked in circulation, reference services and archives at libraries in Ohio and NY.  Most recently she worked at the Schenectady County Historical Society and the Bethlehem Public Library. She has served as President of the Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists and she researched, … Continued
Casting Call

Casting Call

Would you like to star in a video?  The library is producing a music video to promote LibGuides.  Libguides are a resource tool for specific subjects and courses. They include links to just about everything you need to do reliable research – books, e-books, articles, videos, websites.  You can see samples at So we need actors (and singers!) for the video, which will be viewed on IU East’s YouTube channel.  Most of the parts are entirely physical acting – there’s very little dialogue, if you’re nervous about delivering lines.  Most of the actors will ‘act out’ using the LibGuides. And you’ll be famous!  Our previous library video was viewed more than 1400 times:  You’ll be fully credited for … Continued
Simply reading…

Simply reading…

“Thank you for letting us use the library…I had a fun time because I love reading…Your books are cool…I read some books that I have never read…I learned some new words…I love going to the library…I love reading…My favorite book was Let’s Do Nothing. I also liked Freckle Juice. My favorite author is Judy Blume. I got Wizard of Oz and Planet Earth. It was a fun time…We had a good time at the library…When I go to IU East I will go to the library every day.” The content of thank you notes from young students reinforced what library staff intuitively know – reading is good. For two weeks in July the IU East Campus library was a daily … Continued