Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

Poetry Reading

Poetry Reading

Do you like poetry? IU East has a great upcoming opportunity for you. Bianca Lynne Spriggs, an award-winning poet (2013 Al Smith Individual Artist Fellowship in Poetry, several Artist Enrichment and Arts Meets Activism grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women, and a nominee for the Pushcart Prize) will be coming to campus to read her work on Tuesday, March 24th. The event will be in the Whitewater Hall art gallery from 7-8 p.m., and is open to the public if you want to bring friends or family. She will also lead a workshop for students earlier in the day, from 2-3 p.m. in Whitewater Hall 202. Spriggs is an Affrilachian Poet and Cave Canem Fellow, and was named as … Continued
Fine Arts Questions

Fine Arts Questions

This summer, we’ve been examining the tools available to you to perform the best possible research at IU East – from broadly applicable general techniques to in-depth tools for specific disciplines.  This week, we’ll explore the fine arts. Fine arts is a broad subject, including the graphic arts, music, and performance art.  You might be looking at a specific creator, or a creation.  Or, you might be exploring a technique, instead.  We have plenty of good arts databases for examining theory, execution, or artist.  Some, like JSTOR, Humanities International Index, or ProQuest Arts are good for any of the fine arts. Others are more specific – ones like International Index to Performing Arts, Film Index International, Garland Encyclopedia of World Music … Continued
Art Resources

Art Resources

This month, IU East has opened a brand new art center, Room 912, in downtown Richmond.  It’s a place for study, practice, and display – Room 912 includes classroom and studio space, as well as a gallery, for IU East and the local community.  It’s a great way to expand IU East’s rapidly growing fine arts program, and our presence in the community. Of course the library stands ready to support this expanded art program!  We have plenty of online resources that can be fully explored on campus, at Room 912, or at home – books, articles, guides, and more.  Some of our databases include ProQuest Arts, Oxford Art Online, Humanities International Index, Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI), Wiley … Continued
A Jazz Man Cometh

A Jazz Man Cometh

The college experience offers lots of cultural opportunities, and IU East has a great deal to offer beyond the classroom experience.  Live bands, comedians, clubs – even zombie events.  It’s a rich time to grow and enjoy the arts at the same time.  This Friday, there is one such opportunity – The Warren Vaché Sextette will be performing a jazz concert in Vivian auditorium, sponsored by Mindful Explorations and the Starr-Gennett Foundation.  It’s at 7:00 pm, and tickets are free for all IU East students, faculty, and staff (available in Campus Life). Jazz is a uniquely American music style, and a big part of Richmond’s history due to the Starr-Gennett company.  It’s a great subject, either for casual listening or … Continued
Join the Cloud

Join the Cloud

Frustrated when you lose another jump drive? The Cloud may be your new, best friend. The Cloud is like an offsite physical storage facility with a locked entry and open space for your collections. There are limits, access concerns and costs to store important items. Cloud storage works similarly with the use of off-site servers to store digital information. Many Cloud companies offer a free service and then charge after reaching a certain amount of storage space (ranging from 2-10 gigabytes). The path into the Cloud is easy; many of you may be cloud users without knowing it. The Cloud LibGuide has several examples of use, options, and basic information about companies that provide services in the Cloud. Like any … Continued