Search Results for Open Access

Search Results for Open Access

Research lifelines for 2024

Research lifelines for 2024

A new year means new classes, new studies and maybe a new approach to doing research.  But all this newness can be difficult to navigate.  Thankfully, there is a solution, available to every student, faculty and staff member on campus.  The IU East Campus Library is here to help, with plenty of databases, finding aids and good advice to help students, staff and faculty in engaging with a new year’s worth of learning. The new A-Z list Looking for a more organized, simpler way to find important databases?  The library recently launched a revised Databases A-Z list, with numerous features that help with finding information.  The library includes databases for all subjects taught at IU East, along with broader spectrum … Continued
Textbook Savings and Customized Teaching: The 2023-2024 Course Material Transformation Fellowship Award Winners

Textbook Savings and Customized Teaching: The 2023-2024 Course Material Transformation Fellowship Award Winners

The Campus Library and the Center for Faculty Development have collaborated once again to offer the Course Material Transformation Fellowship for 2023-2024. This fellowship supports instructors in their efforts to adopt and create affordable course materials, including open educational resources (OER), library licensed content, and open access materials. The Fellowship Program aims to: Lower the cost of college for students in order to contribute to their retention, progression, and graduation. Encourage the development of alternatives to high-cost textbooks by supporting the adoption, adaptation, and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) Make course material access on the first day of class a reality for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status. Fellowship recipients will receive a $2,000 stipend from the Center for … Continued
Exploring Library Databases

Exploring Library Databases

Excited to explore an array of trusted resources and dependable databases? Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page! We regularly feature highlights from our A-Z index, and here are some of our recent favorites. In search of comprehensive reports on current and trending issues? Look no further than the CQ Researcher database, providing in-depth analyses across a wide spectrum of topics, from impartial coverage of health and social trends to criminal justice, international affairs, education, technology, the economy, and more. Additionally, Ebook Central provides access to a vast library of over 220,000 ebooks across 50 subject areas, including health & medicine, history & political science, religion & philosophy, social sciences, and science … Continued
To the moon and stars

To the moon and stars

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross the sky over Richmond, Indiana for four minutes, starting at 3:07 PM.  The IU East campus is in the path of totality, which means that viewers of the eclipse will see the sun completely obscured.  This is a rare event, and the next eclipse of this kind is not expected to occur in this area until 2044.  The library has plenty of resources to assist in understanding the universe.  A good introductory source would be books on basic astronomy.  While the library has access to dictionaries and textbooks on astronomy, it also carries more popular materials as well.  Astrophysicists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and well-respected scientists such as Stephen Hawking … Continued
Dear Diary: Primary Sources at the Campus Library

Dear Diary: Primary Sources at the Campus Library

One of the best primary source materials for any researcher to explore has always been diaries and letters, the first-hand account of anyone living through a particular place in time or historical event. Today, many people may not write with pen and paper, but describing the daily activities and stories of our everyday life is alive and strong via blogs, social media posts, and emails. Keeping a journal, or writing our ideas and feelings down, no matter to format, can reduce our daily worries and tension, organize our thoughts, maintain goals, and help us develop strategies for dealing with daily challenges and fears. In celebration of National “Dear Diary” Day, on September 22, the IU East Campus Library is highlighting … Continued