

Ask the (IU East) Archivist 2020

Ask the (IU East) Archivist 2020

October is American Archives Month and Wednesday, October 7th is #AskAnArchivist Day. To celebrate, here is a list of popular and common questions IU East Archivist Beth South is asked about the Indiana University East Archives. What is the IU East Archives? The mission of the Indiana University East Campus Archives is to collect, organize, preserve, and provide access to print and electronic resources that document the history and continuing activities of Indiana University East faculty, staff, students, alumni and benefactors. With our collecting focused specifically on the IU East organization, the IU East Campus Archives is known as an institutional repository. What is the oldest item in your collection? Not exactly our oldest collection (more on that later), but … Continued
IU East Archives Bicentennial Oral History Project Update: The Lasting Impact of Veramallay, Bodiker, and Weller

IU East Archives Bicentennial Oral History Project Update: The Lasting Impact of Veramallay, Bodiker, and Weller

The IU Bicentennial is a year-long celebration, but we have been working on collecting stories for the Bicentennial Oral History Project since Fall 2016 and will continue to document the IU East experiences of alumni, faculty and staff. This Fall semester we interviewed three members of the IU East community who have contributed greatly by serving on the Chancellor’s Board of Advisors, fundraising for campus and raising scholarship funds for students. They are Professor Emeritus of Economics Ashton Veramallay, former Indiana State Representative and honorary IU East Alumni Dick Bodiker, and lifelong IU Alumni member and early supporter of IU East, Margie Weller. Ashton Veramallay and Dick Bodiker both are Chancellor Medallion recipients and Margie Weller was awarded an IU … Continued
Oral History Collections Available Online

Oral History Collections Available Online

Thanks to special IU funding, the audio-visual material that was housed in the IU East archives was digitized as part of the Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative (MDPI Project).  We are working on moving them into IU’s publicly accessible Media Collection Online (MCO), which is the campus wide platform for all of IU’s digitized AV material. We are building collections and transitioning them to MCO from Dark Avalon, which is a read-only, restricted access site. IU East currently has five collections available: Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes from 1995-2004 The Faculty Senate serves as a legislative body of the university, comprised of all faculty members. They share in the responsibility of creating and recommending academic policy within curricula and other general … Continued
Primary Sources

Primary Sources

“The whole modern method of historical research is founded upon the distinction between original and derivative authorities. By original authorities we mean either statements by eye-witnesses, or documents, and other material remains, which are contemporary with the events which they attest. By derivative authorities we mean historians or chroniclers who relate and discuss events which they have not witnessed but which they have heard of or inferred directly or indirectly from original authorities.” – Arnaldo Momigliano, Studies in Historiography, 1966 When conducting research, you will often need to find and use specific types of resources.  That could include peer-reviewed work, or to use a book or a video as a reference.  One common and very important type of source students … Continued
The 200 Festival Collections Showcase

The 200 Festival Collections Showcase

Assistant Librarian of Access & Technical Services and IU East Archivist Beth South presented at the 200 Festival Collections Showcase in Bloomington, IN on September 27, 2019. The showcase aimed to show how IU students, staff and faculty are using technology to enhance preservation, conservation, and use of collections and to develop new collections for public engagement. Beth showcased the IU East LGBTQ+ Archive Collection, a new student-created collection which uses the IU Pressbooks platform. The e-book platform allows the collection to be easily accessible to the public, with chapters denoting different themes, focusing on people, places, or events and it can be easily searched for those wanting to find content related to gay marriage, drag shows, asexuality, and more. … Continued