Ashley Clayton

Ashley Clayton

Oral History Assistant documents experiences and preserves memories

Oral History Assistant documents experiences and preserves memories

Throughout Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 IU Oral History Assistant Ashley Clayton has been interviewing IU East alumni, staff and faculty, as part of the IU Bicentennial project. Clayton, a senior History major, has completed 28 interviews, and is also transcribing them so the original audio will be accessible online. In preparation for celebrating 200 years of Indiana University in 2020 and IU East’s 50th anniversary in 2021, Clayton has talked with individuals affiliated with IU East from the 1970s to today. They represent varied majors and departments and each interview provides a glimpse into the ways IU has impacted each person. Gloria Dixon is an Assistant professor at IU East, in the School of Nursing. She is from Whitesburg … Continued