Brittany Yoder

Brittany Yoder

Bicentennial Intern Researches History of IU East Campus and Community Art Partnerships

Bicentennial Intern Researches History of IU East Campus and Community Art Partnerships

Brittany Yoder, summer 2018 IU Bicentennial Intern, is delving into the IU East Archives to research the Whitewater Valley Annual Art Competition and other campus-community art collaborations at IU East. A primary focus is on the late Tom Thomas, an IU East art professor for over 30 years, who brought the campus and community together through various art programs.  An online exhibit of Brittany’s research will be uploaded to Omeka, an online presentation site that is publicly accessible. Combs, Jessica.  (2009, October/ November) An array of art continues for 31st WVAAC. Howler, pg 4. [Robert Van Sickle, Robert Ladd, Betty Muhl with art]. (November 1, 1974). The Pioneer Press 2(4), pg. 4. Featuring resources from the IU East archives, the … Continued