communities in schools

communities in schools

Summer and Service

Summer and Service

Summer and Service make a great mix, and we’re busy connecting campus and community.  Frances Yates continues in her role as faculty representative for Service-Learning and Heidi Huff (Lib-lady Heidi Huff) has added the role of service-learning coordinator to her campus responsibilities.  In addition to offering support for courses with service-learning components, we’re placing Experiential Learning Scholars (ELS) in the community.  ELS partner with community organizations focusing on several kinds of literacy, including reading, financial, health, and civic responsibility. Here are the ELS partnerships for the summer, thus far: ELS Kesla Klingler will be preparing awesome literacy activities for Girls, Inc. of Wayne County.  These activities may include Connections Kits—available from the Campus Library, complete with themed books and projects.  … Continued