

Selling Yourself Quick

Selling Yourself Quick

There’s excitement in the air for many seniors, as your college career hurtles towards its conclusion, and the outside world beckons. Soon, you will be hunting for a new job with your freshly minted degree. But that degree, significant as it is, doesn’t have a voice of its own. You’ll need to be able to sell yourself to potential employers. Sometimes, this will be in formal interview settings, after you’ve submitted a résumé to a job you really want. You’ll be able to lay out your full case for your aptitude and skill. But sometimes it will happen by serendipity – you being in the right place at the right time, able to talk to someone with power in your … Continued
Credo Reference Concept Map Poetry Contest! Money! YOU win AND the Library wins!

Credo Reference Concept Map Poetry Contest! Money! YOU win AND the Library wins!

You might be thinking, what’s “Credo reference,” what’s a “concept map,” and most important, “how do I win?” Credo Reference is a service the library subscribes to so IU East  students and faculty have access to full-text articles, images, video and audio clips. It even helps you find books in the IU library catalog (IUCat) and suggests search terms for your topics. You can access Credo Reference from anywhere using your iu user id and password via the proxy server: More reliable than Google or Wikipedia, Credo Reference is easy to navigate and you can save or email your search content. It also has useful tools, including pronunciations and a crossword puzzle solver! A unique feature of Credo Reference … Continued
Eat a Book on April 1 (Not a Joke!)

Eat a Book on April 1 (Not a Joke!)

Hi, this is Matt again. Do you like to eat?  Boy, I do.  Plus I also like to read.  If only there was a way to combine those joys! And yet, like a miracle, there is a way!  On April 1st (I swear this is not an April Fools’ joke) the library will hold our second annual Edible Books contest.  Joining libraries all over the world, you can create a delectable treat inspired by your favorite book.  The best entries will get prizes – including a new prize this year!  Enter on behalf of a department or student organization and you could win a whole basket full of books! Then comes the best part; eating.  All those edible books get … Continued
Video Tour Contest

Video Tour Contest

Hey, this is Matt again.   So, now that we have a video tour, what next?  Now it’s your turn!  The library is launching a contest for informational videos.  They don’t have to be full tours, although they can be.  You can highlight anything you want – a resource you particularly like, favorite places to be or things to do in the library, an interview – whatever you feel comfortable making.  The top three videos (based on user comments) will win prizes – $50.00 cash for first prize, a $25.00 gas card for second place, and a $10.00 gas card for third!  The finished video should be in the neighborhood of 2 to 4 minutes, and showcase some feature of the … Continued