

Media Literacy Week

Media Literacy Week

Media Literacy Week, hosted by National Association for Media Literacy Education, will be held from Monday, October 24 to Friday, October 28.  Now in its eighth year, Media Literacy Week is intended to promote the important role of media literacy in education today. To celebrate, IU East will be hosting a panel discussion on Thursday, October 27, at 2:00 in Hayes 142 (in the library.)  In addition to IU East, multiple IU campuses are hosting Media Literacy Week events, including IUPUI and IUPUC, and most of these other events are available on Zoom.  The IU East panel discussion will focus on voting and will feature faculty members Andrea Quenette, E. Scott Lee and KT Lowe. Dr. Quenette is Associate Professor … Continued
Media Literacy Week and News Sources

Media Literacy Week and News Sources

Media literacy is a vital skill, allowing people to analyze and understand how messages, particularly those designed to persuade (whether presented anywhere from television news programs to Facebook advertisements), are crafted and how they exert their influence.  A person who is able to recognize and mitigate the hidden influence of others is freer and more able to form reasoned opinions.  Media literacy also helps you responsibly frame your own messages, communicating in the clearest way possible and provoking thought without undue manipulation. Media Literacy Week is October 26-30, and is hosted by the National Association for Media Literacy Education.  Each day will focus on an aspect of media literacy: Access on Monday, Analyze on Tuesday, followed by Evaluate, Create, and … Continued
Get Educated on Education Databases!

Get Educated on Education Databases!

As we finish the 5th week of school, it’s not too late to plan for future assignments such as mid-terms and final projects. Education students have a lot on their plate with placements for field experiences, creating lesson plans, and making sure they are on track to graduate. The IU East Campus Library has a wide range of information resources that can help Education majors and others, in navigating research about education topics. Check out ERIC-EBSCOHOST, the Education Resource Information Center, that contains more than 1,194,00 records and links to more than 100,000 full-text documents pertaining to Education. Just look at the number of results you get from searching “kindergarten or preschool or early childhood education.” The Education Database by … Continued
Media Literacy Week

Media Literacy Week

Media education is the discipline that teaches people how messages are created to influence and persuade others, and how to analyze and critique those claims dispassionately. It also empowers people how to craft their own messages to be best received by others, through any medium. Poor media literacy leaves a person vulnerable to manipulation, whether benign or malicious, from any organization trying to influence opinion through imagery, sloganeering, advertisement, or more subtle reinforcement. Media literacy frees a person from (or at least mitigates) this influence, encouraging thoughtful reflection and critique of the ideas and claims that might otherwise go unexamined. There are, of course, safeguards. Have you seen a pharmaceutical ad on television in the last few years? Drug companies … Continued
Education Questions

Education Questions

These last few weeks, we’ve been exploring where and how to do deep, scholarly research in the various disciplines, and this week we will look at education.  Building off the general techniques we explored earlier, there are a lot of great sources for education research, and tools that meet the unique needs of teachers-to-be. For research articles, powerful tools like ERIC and ProQuest Education are the best sources to start with.  If you’re interested in teaching theory, Professional Development Collection is an excellent choice.  And depending on the grade level you’re interested in, there are even more databases designed for you – Primary Search for elementary grades, Middle Search for middle school grades, and MAS Ultra School Edition for high … Continued