Elizabeth South

Elizabeth South

Supporting OER in the Classroom

Supporting OER in the Classroom

The Campus Library and the Center for Faculty Development have collaborated to offer the Course Material Transformation Fellowship. The 2022-2023 school year is the first year this fellowship is being awarded at the IU East Campus. Modeled after the IUPUI and IU Bloomington’s Libraries program of the same name, this fellowship supports instructors in their efforts to adopt and create affordable course materials, including open educational resources (OER), library licensed content, and open access materials. This fellowship is being offered in response to the 2021-2023 IU East Campus Strategic Initiative encouraging the use of open educational resources and textbook alternatives under the Enrollment & Student Success focus area. The Fellowship Program aims to:  Lower the cost of college for students … Continued
Open for Climate Justice

Open for Climate Justice

To celebrate Campus Sustainability Month, with the goal of raising the visibility and deepening engagement with sustainability on college campuses, the IU East Campus Library is highlighting equitable access to educational resources. Featured here are Open Access resources, supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Open Access provides free online access to the results of scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results as needed. International Open Access Week is October 24-30th and the theme for 2022 is Open for Climate Justice. This year’s theme seeks to encourage collaboration and connection between the climate justice movement and the open access community. “Sharing Knowledge is … Continued
Need a Film? Streaming Media Options and Best Practices

Need a Film? Streaming Media Options and Best Practices

Films can be a useful supplemental resource for many lessons or courses. The IU East Campus Library continuously works to provide easy, comprehensive access to streaming films for educational purposes. Here is a list of places to search and access a film or documentary for courses as well as some advice on sharing and maintaining access to these films. Library Licensed Content AVON (Academic Video Online) is a multidisciplinary collection of videos that can meet a variety of curricular needs, such as counseling and therapy, dance, music, theatre, ethnographic studies, environmental studies, nursing, and education. They offer thousands of titles available now and 400 new titles are added per month. AVON can be accessed from our A-Z List at http://iue.libguides.com/A-ZList/A. … Continued
New Canvas Tool Available – Library Resources

New Canvas Tool Available – Library Resources

The IU East Campus Library is now offering a new tool to embed journal articles and other resources directly into Canvas from our database search engine, EBSCO Discovery. For the last few years, a tool known as “Reading Lists” has been available to faculty interested in searching for articles directly within Canvas and adding them to their modules. The platform that supported “Reading Lists” will be retiring in 2023 and EBSCO now has an LTI to replace “Reading Lists.” LTI is an acronym for Learning Tools Interoperability, which means it allows learning tools from different vendors to be launched within an application like a learning management system, such as Canvas. This tool will allow faculty to embed links from EBSCO … Continued
Birds of Wonder

Birds of Wonder

Throughout the month of June, the IU East Campus Library hosted afternoon programming for Richmond’s Reading Academy, a full day of classes focused on reading and writing over a 4 week period. An initiative of Every Child Can Read, Inc., the Reading Academy is a program that works to ensure that every child can read at reading level by the third grade. To provide creative academic enrichment, the Campus Library team, with IU East student, staff, and faculty volunteers, planned and implemented a variety of programming activities, such as weaving, riddle creation, nature journaling, science experiments, and yoga. Assistant Librarian of Access and Technical Services Beth South volunteered to lead two programs, both inspired by the Indiana Humanities One State/ … Continued