

One Book 2015

One Book 2015

The campus One Book for 2015 has been selected – it is Positive by Paige Rawl. A powerful, visceral memoir of her life, it chronicles Paige’s life with HIV and her experiences with unreasoning hate and bullying. Students and staff can get their free, IU branded copy in the library, complete with a letter of introduction from Chancellor Cruz-Uribe. You can get a jump on fall semester and the events surrounding the One Book by reading it now. And it’s perfect summer reading – her prose is lively and quick and powerful. That’s not to say it is light reading, though – parts of it are very hard. When her HIV status is first betrayed by a friend. The relentless … Continued
Careers in Aging and Gerontology

Careers in Aging and Gerontology

The week of April 5th is Careers in Aging Week, an opportunity to explore career options in elder care, as well as to think about the needs of older adults. Various information sessions and visual displays will be offered around campus by gerontology students throughout the week. While our nursing students may already have looked into the many options for jobs in elder care, the field certainly isn’t limited to medical professionals. It includes everything from social workers, psychologists, dieticians, personal trainers, and home health care aides to more unexpected roles like architects, technology and design specialists, programmers, and communications professionals. All of us will age – and many of us will deal with aging issues earlier, as parents and … Continued
A Jazz Man Cometh

A Jazz Man Cometh

The college experience offers lots of cultural opportunities, and IU East has a great deal to offer beyond the classroom experience.  Live bands, comedians, clubs – even zombie events.  It’s a rich time to grow and enjoy the arts at the same time.  This Friday, there is one such opportunity – The Warren Vaché Sextette will be performing a jazz concert in Vivian auditorium, sponsored by Mindful Explorations and the Starr-Gennett Foundation.  It’s at 7:00 pm, and tickets are free for all IU East students, faculty, and staff (available in Campus Life). Jazz is a uniquely American music style, and a big part of Richmond’s history due to the Starr-Gennett company.  It’s a great subject, either for casual listening or … Continued


If you tried to use the Internet on Wednesday, you may have noticed that a lot of your favorite sites, like Wikipedia, were down.  Even Google changed its logo with a big black ‘censored’ bar.  All of those outages were in protest of legislation before the U.S. Congress, which could change the laws on how the government deals with stolen content on websites, known as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act, HR 3261) in the House of Representatives and PIPA (Protect IP Act, S 968) in the Senate.  Opponents claim that this proposed legislation is too intrusive, that it will eliminate a lot of good content and chill new attempts at innovation and online speech.  They say that the burden of … Continued