

On your mark, Get set, Research!

On your mark, Get set, Research!

Excited to explore an array of trusted resources and dependable databases? Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page! We regularly feature highlights from our NEW A-Z index, and here are some of our recent favorites. In search of comprehensive reports on current and trending issues? Look no further than the CQ Researcher database, providing in-depth analyses across a wide spectrum of topics, from impartial coverage of health and social trends to criminal justice, international affairs, education, technology, the economy, and more. Explore these fundamental aspects of academic research with the AM Research Methods database. Within this repository, you’ll find two key sections: Learning Tools and Case Studies. The Learning Tools is comprised of scholarly interviews and practical … Continued
Exploring Library Databases

Exploring Library Databases

Excited to explore an array of trusted resources and dependable databases? Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page! We regularly feature highlights from our A-Z index, and here are some of our recent favorites. In search of comprehensive reports on current and trending issues? Look no further than the CQ Researcher database, providing in-depth analyses across a wide spectrum of topics, from impartial coverage of health and social trends to criminal justice, international affairs, education, technology, the economy, and more. Additionally, Ebook Central provides access to a vast library of over 220,000 ebooks across 50 subject areas, including health & medicine, history & political science, religion & philosophy, social sciences, and science … Continued
A Research Journey

A Research Journey

No matter where you are in your research journey, the IU East Campus Library is here for you! Recently the library website was redesigned and you can find helpful tips on navigating the site here. Be sure to like the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for updates on library resources and services as well as special resource feature days like Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. Unsure which resources might best fit your research needs? How to Master Research provides tips and tools for effective searching in all disciplines. Below are resource highlights from multiple disciplines that are interesting and useful. Business Looking for information on international businesses? ABI/INFORM database provides access to thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key businesses, and … Continued
Find us on Facebook!

Find us on Facebook!

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z Index. Here are some recent highlights. Arts African American Music is rich with variety. Learn more about musicians Nina Simone, Millie Jackson, Roberta Flack, and other great African American artists in the International Index to Music Periodicals database. What do Harriet Hosmer, Edmonia Lewis, and Emma Stebbins have in common? They were famous neoclassical women sculptors from the mid-19th century. Learn more about them and their work, in the Oxford Art Online database. It contains more than 200,000 articles spanning ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as over … Continued
You should Like us!

You should Like us!

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page. We provide updates on library resources and services, as well as special feature days of Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. If you haven’t already, head on over to the IU East Campus Library Facebook page and LIKE us! If you have not visited the Facebook page lately, here are some highlights of databases from our A-Z Index and various libguides. eBooks There are several databases that are currently offering free access to thousands of eBooks. For instance, from now until end of July, the De Gruyter database provides free access to 600 Journals and … Continued