free resources

free resources

Student Protester Resources

Student Protester Resources

As protests for many causes crop up on college campuses across the country, students are grappling with strong feelings on important issues, and where and how to express them.  Recent protests, including at Indiana University itself, have controversially led to arrests.  Students may question what rights they do and do not have, and how they can assert them, whether they plan to join a protest, organize one, or document one (such as with video). The right to protest is enumerated in the Constitution, specifically the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably … Continued
Get Inspired with General Reference Resources

Get Inspired with General Reference Resources

INSPIRE is a collection of academic databases and other information resources provided by the Indiana State Library and is accessible to all Indiana residents. As a public Indiana institution, the IU East Campus Library can share access to these resources from IUCAT as well as our A-Z List to IU East students, whether they live in Indiana or not. What are “reference” resources? The type of information you find in the reference section of a library would be resources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes, directories, atlases, biographies, and bibliographies. While not usually in depth, these resources often provide a general overview of a subject and can be a great place to begin exploring a topic, place, or person. For regular … Continued
Open To All – the Public Domain

Open To All – the Public Domain

On Public Domain Day, January 1, 2023, works published in 1927 entered the public domain. What is “Public Domain” and Why 1927?  The public domain consists of all the creative work to which no exclusive intellectual property rights apply. Those rights may have expired, been forfeited, or waived. Therefore, anyone can legally use or reference those works without permission. With the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, copyright was extended an additional 20 years, from 75 to 95 years. So, these works that were originally to enter the public domain in 2003 are now entering the public domain in 2023. These materials are open to all and can now be used in class, performances, and projects in any way, shape, … Continued
Get your Reading on!

Get your Reading on!

This winter break, challenge yourself to read more. Perhaps you will find a new favorite from one of the many “best of…” lists for 2022. With over 3,200 suggestions, NPR’s Book Concierge provides recommendations of “top books” for the years 2013-2022. Find “Best of Books” for subjects like science fiction and fantasy, history and politics, poetry, and more from the Guardian. The Smithsonian Scholars Pick of 2022 provides readers with top picks ranging from biographies and memoirs to the study of systemic racism. Choose among more than 70 Best Books for Adults 2022 selected by NYPL librarians. Love a good murder mystery novel? Journey into the dark heart of noir with these Best Noir Fiction of 2022 from Crime Reads. … Continued
Archival treasures

Archival treasures

Archives provide entry to a history of treasures that document people, places, and events. In addition to physical archives, many open-access archives are available, ranging in topics from government and historical documents found at the National Archives, to code making and breaking in the Cryptology ePrint Archives, and historical children’s books available via the Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature. Below are just a select few of the many archives available online. Photo from: Internet Archives – Cookery Book Love Food? Let’s get cooking! Cookbooks are windows into history that document daily life and provide snapshots of regional and cultural identify at a particular moment in time. Recently 10,000 vintage recipe books have been digitized and can be found in … Continued