

Presidents’ Day

Presidents’ Day

Today is Presidents’ Day, but just like on Martin Luther King Day, not many of us are going to celebrate by reading a biography of George Washington.  This day has come to represent ideals far more than any one person’s life.  The idea of liberty, of our national character, is more the spirit of this holiday. As in the population at large, we’ve had presidents who were perceived as effective or not, and some have dealt well with the challenges that faced them, while others have failed in their tasks.  But we can learn from anyone in history, and your library stands ready to connect you with that kind of resource. Several of our databases are particularly good for finding … Continued


Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!  For many of us, it’s a day off, and easy to lose the significance of this holiday.  Much like how on President’s Day and Columbus Day we don’t honor George Washington or Christopher Columbus personally so much as the main virtue their life exemplified – liberty and discovery, respectively – so too today we remember not so much King the Baptist preacher as the great virtue he dedicated his life to – equality. Modern libraries were founded on the same concept.  Because there are few better routes to equality than access to information.  Due to the nature of King’s struggle, it is natural to think about multiculturalism today.  And we have a number of … Continued
Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month

Richmond, Indiana was founded in 1818, but the history of people in this area goes back thousands of years before that. Native American tribes, including the Miami, Potawatomi, Delaware, and Shawnee, thrived in Indiana. November is Native American Heritage Month, and you can learn more about the diverse and complex history of Native Americans at the IU East Campus Library. One excellent database that features resources about the Native American Experience is American Indian History Online. This database allows you to choose search terms based on what you wish to study. You can search by region, tribe, person, event, or topic. There are extensive timelines, going as far back as the first humans on the North American continent, as … Continued