

This is Halloween

This is Halloween

With a documented history spanning roughly two millennia and traditions spanning across the world, Halloween is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the United States.  It’s also an incredibly lucrative holiday, with this year’s spending total expected to reach $8.8 billion in the US alone.  Halloween, according to folklorist Jack Santino, is a holiday that is intended to stretch borders – those of exploration, identity, marginality and, in some cases, rules themselves.  The celebrations, which involve costumes, jack o’ lanterns, candy, horror movies and remembrance of the dead, demonstrate a great deal of syncretism, blending Celtic, Hispanic and American traditions into one magnificent event. A mere sample of the Halloween-related items in the collection of IU East librarian … Continued
Archives Unbound: Black Economic Empowerment, Civil Rights, Black Liberation, and the FBI

Archives Unbound: Black Economic Empowerment, Civil Rights, Black Liberation, and the FBI

The IU East Campus Library has added several new online archival collections from Archives Unbound that focus on Black history and civil rights. We celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. each January and commemorate Black History in February, but any time is a good time to remember and reflect on the many people and groups who participated in the fight for civil rights. These archival collections provide papers, FBI reports, manifestos, and images from a variety of research institutions and government agencies. Black Economic Empowerment: The National Negro Business League Date Range: 1901-1928 Content: 15,779 images Source Library: Library of Congress The National Negro Business League was a business organization founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 1900 by Booker … Continued
Diversity and Inclusion at IU East

Diversity and Inclusion at IU East

Diversity at IU East is understood to be vital to what it means to be an educated person. The IU East Diversity Mission Statement articulates our promotion of an inclusive and welcoming campus “that recognizes, celebrates and embraces differences and commonalities. This includes, but is not limited to, culture, language, ethnicity, race, religion, political opinion, socio-economic status, ability, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, veteran status, age and life experience. We are creating a learning and work environment in which people benefit from interaction with one another. At IU East civil rights and civil liberties set the boundaries for respectful discourse and action. As we build an inclusive campus, Indiana University East will continue to engage in dialogue and commit … Continued
The March of Civil Rights

The March of Civil Rights

The tumultuous month of April, 1968 was fifty years ago. It saw a national low on April 4th, when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. And days later, on April 11th, it saw the high of President Lyndon Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act into law. Locally, it also saw the explosion in downtown Richmond on April 6th – the aftermath of which, in contrast to the violence and arson and riots seen nationwide, saw black and white Richmondites working hand in hand to staunch the damage – putting out fires together, perhaps a sign of hope in the midst of national conflict. But fifty years later, the march of civil rights is not yet finished. Perhaps this legacy and … Continued
Around the World

Around the World

The world is becoming a smaller place, and many students are incorporating travel to other countries into their college years. Studying abroad can be a boon to numerous degree fields – and not just the obvious ones, like a foreign language, international studies, literature, or humanities degree. Perhaps you want to get a job teaching English as a second language in another country. Perhaps you want to be involved in an international business. Or maybe you want to provide health care and training for humanitarian organizations. For all, you can benefit from the culture you experience and the contacts you’ll develop in an international program. IU East has many international programs and trips to choose from. Perhaps you’re thinking about … Continued