

Out of the Archives – A Brief History of the Indiana University East Student Newspaper

Out of the Archives – A Brief History of the Indiana University East Student Newspaper

As IU East Archivist, Beth South is the go-to person to help guide you through the IU East Archives. Recently, she’s been researching Indiana University East’s mascots – the Pioneers and the Red Wolves. Flipping through all the past issues of the physical newspaper (we have more than 40 years of them!) she noted the paper’s name and logo changes, the articles, ads, and editorials. It is our most popular archival collection and provides the best record of the various events and developments that shaped IU East, so we wanted to share a brief history of the IU East student newspaper.   The student newspaper was a student organization, a club that had a faculty advisor and it regularly had … Continued
News-Old and New

News-Old and New

As a member of the IU East community, did you know that you can get free access to The Chronicle of Higher Education online? Or to The Washington Post? The main library at IU Bloomington has purchased premium access to The Chronicle of Higher Education and has set up an agreement to include access to all the regional libraries as well. You can easily access the site by going to from any IU East computer or from home via the library’s A-Z Database List at The Washington Post, on the other hand, provides free access to anyone with an .edu, .gov, or .mil email address. If you are accessing the Post from an IU East computer, you should … Continued
What makes real news real?

What makes real news real?

  Fake news is the buzzword of the hour. Countless articles and online tools (including my own Fake News LibGuide) have touched upon the subject, offering how-tos, tips, tricks and motivation to get your patrons to understand what makes fake news fake. Conversely, however, another question needs to be answered: what makes real news real? With so much attention on rumors and conspiracy, many patrons don’t know what sources to trust anymore. Has their nightly news anchor told them lies all this time? Does their daily newspaper cover up the facts? Real news is characterized by the following factors: 1 – It reports facts in a clear, mostly nonbiased manner. With the rise in highly partisan news sources, the line … Continued
The IU East Archives- Exploring and Preserving the Campus’ History

The IU East Archives- Exploring and Preserving the Campus’ History

The campus archives is doing a lot to prepare for IU’s Bicentennial in 2020 and for IU East’s 50th anniversary in 2021. We have the Bicentennial Oral History project, a campus wide endeavor to collect stories from IU alumni across all the campuses, happening now and the stories we collect here at East are vital to preserving the history and culture of IU East. If you are an IU alumni, you can participate at Make sure to select “share my story” and to choose the campus you graduated from. IU East alumni will hear from the East campus Bicentennial intern, Cassidy Clouse, or archivist, Beth South. We also have a few other projects happening at the IU East Archives … Continued
Separating fact from non-fact

Separating fact from non-fact

The buzzwords are legion: Fake news, alternative facts, falsehoods. In the last three months, all these terms have been printed in newspapers, flashed on screens and rehashed on television on a nearly daily basis. It’s difficult to discern reliable data from opinion or lies these days. While there is no single sure-fire method for telling fact from non-fact, here are some tools to help you sort through the news today. Know your news First, it would help to know more about different kinds of inauthentic news sources. Fake news: While it’s simple to say that fake news is simply news that isn’t real, the truth is more complicated than that. According to media scientist Melissa Zimdars, fake news falls under … Continued