online information

online information

Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

Streaming Videos at the Campus Library: Kanopy Trial and AVON

The IU East Campus Library currently has a trial for the online streaming video platform called Kanopy. Kanopy is a video streaming solution offering access to more than 30,000 documentaries, movies, and educational videos from thousands of producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, Great Courses, Kino Lorber and more. The platform is currently employed at more than 2,500 academic libraries globally, including many libraries, and within Indiana University at Northwest, South Bend, and Bloomington campuses. Some of the benefits for IU East students and faculty to use Kanopy are: Provide access without payment: conveniently open all or any of their broad collections with no upfront or required payment Strategically acquire high-use films: Triggering a film requires 4 independent plays by … Continued
Where to Get Things

Where to Get Things

If you’ve been anywhere near Hayes Hall recently, you’ve probably encountered a lot of construction, and the attendant noise that accompanies it.  Navigating the current quirks of the building – for example, the only working elevator is currently the one that goes through the library, the School of Business offices, and the custodial supply room; not the main one – can be like going on an adventure.  So, while we would love to have you in the library (and we are still fully open for business, with plenty of computers and study spaces arranged in our book stacks), we understand if, just for this one semester, you would like to avoid us as much as possible. But you still need … Continued
Stats! Stat!

Stats! Stat!

Statistics.  You’ve probably had a project that required them.  Maybe you just needed a single number – what percentage of the population corresponds to what characteristic.  Or maybe you needed to show a trend, how a statistic changed over time.  Regardless, it’s a special type of information that can sometimes be difficult to search for. Lots of organizations collect statistics.  Some of these organizations are more reliable than others.  The United States government is one of the major statistics-collecting groups, and it gathers data on a staggering variety of topics.  You’re probably familiar with some of them – the Census Bureau gathers population statistics, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics collects information about employment – including economic data, types of … Continued