reference databases

reference databases

Databases by discipline

Databases by discipline

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page. We provide updates on library resources and services, as well as special feature days of Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. If you have not visited the Facebook page lately, here are some highlights of databases from our A-Z Index and various libguides. Education Taking a class in Education? Check out the Education in Videos database. This reliable resource has more than 1,650 hours of videos that provide the opportunity to observe behaviors that define effective teaching styles. Included are demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms. Looking for data and statistics for K-12 … Continued
Fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases

Fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z Index. Here are some recent highlights. History The Gilded Age was just that, Gilded. NOT Golden. From afar, all appeared golden with fancy balls, jewels and mansions, urban industrialization, and rising gross national products. But, under the surface were very real problems such as unsafe tenement housing, political corruption, environmental destruction, and non-regulation of basic goods. The Gilded Age and Progressive Era database contains collections from McKim, Mead & White architectural firm (designers of the Brooklyn Museum), political cartoon collections of Thomas Nast and Joseph Keppler, documents from Standard Oil, and more. On … Continued
Find us on Facebook!

Find us on Facebook!

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z Index. Here are some recent highlights. Arts African American Music is rich with variety. Learn more about musicians Nina Simone, Millie Jackson, Roberta Flack, and other great African American artists in the International Index to Music Periodicals database. What do Harriet Hosmer, Edmonia Lewis, and Emma Stebbins have in common? They were famous neoclassical women sculptors from the mid-19th century. Learn more about them and their work, in the Oxford Art Online database. It contains more than 200,000 articles spanning ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as over … Continued
Library Resource: HeinOnline Trial

Library Resource: HeinOnline Trial

Since Fall 2020, the Campus Library has had a trial of the database HeinOnline. We have had some good usage of the database, but our trial will end on June 30th so we want to remind IU East-affiliated students and faculty that they can use it until then. HeinOnline has a lot of similarities to NexisUni, with a large emphasis on state and federal case law. It provides 300+ years of information on political development and the complete history of the creation of government and legal systems around the world. HeinOnline’s main focus may be on law, history, and politics, but with over 2,900 journals in its collection, there are intersections with subject areas such as education, psychology, political science, … Continued
An e-device for easy access to IU East databases

An e-device for easy access to IU East databases

An e-device (phone, tablet, etc.) is all you need to access all the Campus Library databases available to IU East-affiliated users.  No matter where you go, all of our electronic resources are a few clicks away.  Learn how easy access can be! From the library website you can access all of our databases, as well as our book and video catalog, IUCAT, and LibGuides, which are our targeted guides for finding information.  Why go to the library website?  Many of our resources go through proxy servers, which ensures you don’t have to pay for the materials you access.  A single journal article can cost you as much as $40, but accessing through the library site, with your IU East credentials, … Continued