self publishing

self publishing

Un-conventional Writing

Un-conventional Writing

Recently, I had the privilege of volunteering at Teen Con, an annual sci-fi, fantasy, and comic convention held by the New Castle – Henry County Public Library.  It featured games, vendors, costumes (I was dressed as the Red Power Ranger), and panel discussions with local professionals about producing and self-publishing art, including writing, graphic works, and animation.  Lots of local authors were featured, who have written predominantly in the sci-fi, urban, and fantasy genres, including Laura VanArendonk Baugh, Stephanie Cain, Hans Cummings, and George Kramer.  They were all delighted to talk about their tradecraft, and Hans Cummings and Stephanie Cain led one of the informative panel discussions. Some of them had self-published their books, using a service such as Lulu, … Continued