

Who’s Who in the IU East Campus Library

Who’s Who in the IU East Campus Library

The IU East Campus Library welcomes you all back to campus! For some, it may have been over a year since you have been on campus and for others, this will be your first time. In case you haven’t had the chance to visit the library yet or just need a refresher on all the great services and resources your Campus Library has to offer, here is a Who to know and where to go guide.  Also, if you haven’t yet, please “like” the IU East Campus Library Facebook for weekly highlights of databases found in our A-Z index and updates on services and events. The library also has a multidisciplinary guide to research, to help you master research in any … Continued
Who’s Who and What’s Where in Your Campus Library

Who’s Who and What’s Where in Your Campus Library

Welcome to Fall 2019! If you haven’t been in the Campus Library this summer, surprises await you! We have a new space – the Community Engagement Commons (CEC) – available for group presentations and events for 40 or less participants. It also continues to serve as an area for students to study, print, and use computers. Join us in the CEC on Wed., September 4th at noon for a Diversity and Inclusion Council meeting. All are welcome! There will be updates about diversity events on campus and light refreshments are available. To schedule CEC and other library spaces for events, simply contact our new Coordinator of User Services – Jesse Whitton: Jesse re-joins the staff as a library professional, … Continued
Campus Library update: Who’s who and how we can help

Campus Library update: Who’s who and how we can help

Your campus library has the same friendly, familiar faces but we have some new titles and roles to share. Matthew Dilworth, Coordinator of Reference and Media Services, is available for all your reference and interlibrary loan needs. He is also liaison to the School of Business and Economics and completes all library resource forms for new course and program requests. 765.973.8279 KT Lowe, Assistant Librarian for Library Instruction, serves as liaison to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Work, and Office of Student Success. She collaborates with faculty for library instruction and creation of course-specific LibGuides and Canvas modules.  765.973.8434 Sue McFadden, Associate librarian for Research, is liaison to the School of Nursing and … Continued
Lora Kay Baldwin (September 17, 1958 to March 29, 2019)

Lora Kay Baldwin (September 17, 1958 to March 29, 2019)

~ a reflection by colleague and friend Sue McFadden Did you ever meet Lora Baldwin? Lora Baldwin was a student at IU East in 1980, she became a librarian on campus in 1985, and we became friends in 1987. As a member of the faculty since 1985, Lora was pragmatic, smart, just, and caring. Through committee work, community service, and her role as a librarian, Lora met many people and many may remember her smile and friendly demeanor. Chances are good that if you were a student at IU East from 1985 to 1994, you were instructed by Lora on how to use the library. By 1991 she had a second masters in educational psychology and was tenured and promoted … Continued
Where to Get Things

Where to Get Things

If you’ve been anywhere near Hayes Hall recently, you’ve probably encountered a lot of construction, and the attendant noise that accompanies it.  Navigating the current quirks of the building – for example, the only working elevator is currently the one that goes through the library, the School of Business offices, and the custodial supply room; not the main one – can be like going on an adventure.  So, while we would love to have you in the library (and we are still fully open for business, with plenty of computers and study spaces arranged in our book stacks), we understand if, just for this one semester, you would like to avoid us as much as possible. But you still need … Continued