Student Workers

Student Workers

Appreciation for Student Staff

Appreciation for Student Staff

“Healthy IU” is a program that promotes wellness of faculty and staff. Recently they featured a “Common Good” project, to enhance our community of caring. Activities included the practice of gratitude. As we reflect on what we are grateful for at work, one of the first that comes to mind is student staff. Here at the IU East Campus Library we are fortunate to have exceptional students who work well to ensure we provide excellent service. They also work on a variety of special projects, from oral histories to research to academic enrichment programs. We appreciate each of our Fall 2017 student staff and want you to meet them! Katelyn Groff As an Elementary Education major in her third year … Continued
Ask us!

Ask us!

Welcome back students! As the Fall semester quickly approaches, it’s helpful to know who to ask for what at your Campus Library.  All library staff have service as a top priority and we aim to do everything we can to help students be academically successful. So ask us…hopefully you’ll be glad you did!   Need to check out a book or film, whether from the stacks or on reserve, or schedule a room or get something from the Archives? Mandi Moning is our Coordinator of User Services and Archives.  Mandi just celebrated her one year anniversary with IU East.  She earned her undergraduate degree at Miami University and dual Masters in History and Library Science from New York.  You can … Continued
Meet Our Student Workers

Meet Our Student Workers

Amy Major: Criminal Justice Class: Senior  Amy has worked for the library for a year, and has been an integral part of our circulation staff.  In last week’s blog, you saw her commitment to literacy in assisting with the Indiana Campus Compact, distributing free books to children.  In her time here, she has dabbled in many tasks you might not usually associate with a library.  Just this week, for instance, her talents in organizing and designing puzzles contributed to making the Amazing Race: Library Edition a great success!   Maryann Major: Social Work Class: Junior  Maryann joined us this summer, but she is no stranger to libraries – she worked in her high school library, as well.  This week, we’ve … Continued
What Juvie Can Offer to YOU!

What Juvie Can Offer to YOU!

So since I’ve been working at the library, I’ve had more than a handful of students tell me that they didn’t know there was a second floor to the library. I spend the majority of my time on the second floor, particularly in the “juvie section” (although other books that are available include teaching/education, music, and art), and I’ve realized that the juvenile books are just sitting there on display the majority of the week and basically going to waste!  For instance, most of the students that I do see on the second floor are not looking through or checking out juvie books, but instead they are on the computers or meeting with group members to work on a project.  … Continued
Library Work – Notes from the Inside

Library Work – Notes from the Inside

Hello, I’m Hamid, a work study student at the library. There are a few misconceptions about library workers, and I’d like to tell you about what I do. Most of the time when I say that I work at a library, there is an assumption that I shush students and get to read all day.  This is not the case. There is always something that needs to be done in a library; the top priority is to keep the books on the shelves. There are lots of books checked out, left lying out, or even mailed by patrons every day, and those books eventually make it back to us. If you look around the library, there’s much more than books; … Continued